Installation Packages

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Sep 10, 2013, 2:11:26 PM9/10/13
Hi everybody,
I'm new to this Ushahidi/Swiftriver project and I think it's a great idea ! I was able to install and run Ushahidi a while ago and was very impressed with it.  I've been looking at the Swiftriver documentation for a little while and I'm a bit confused on which packages/sources to download to have Swiftriver running on a server.
Looking at the Github page, there are many branches in there and i'm not sure which one to download. Should it be simply "Swiftriver", "Swiftriver-core" or "Swiftriver-API" ?
The WIKI page contains a developer section that explain briefly how to install it but again, which packages are  they referring to in the first steps :
  • -Download and extract the API distribution    (Is this the "Swiftriver-API" or the "Swiftriver-Core" or "Swiftriver", and is it the entire directory ?)
  • -Stop your servlet container
  • -Copy the API war to your webapps directory (I don't see any WAR file that I can use anywhere)
Thank you,
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