Jan Wielemaker
unread,Oct 12, 2017, 5:29:20 AM10/12/17Sign in to reply to author
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to Alessandro Pogliaghi, SWI-Prolog
On 11/10/17 21:43, Alessandro Pogliaghi wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've just started using SWI-Prolog and I'm having some troubles getting
> the application to work.
> I've created a pl file and compiled it and it's a piece of cake, but
> when I try to compile a file that my professor made available(as well
> the related library folder) I get source_sink error and I don't know
> what to do at this point.
> This is the file:
> |
> :- include(library(unit_checker)).
> unit(parentele,[]).
> type([ada,lea,alda,mara,pia]:genere_femm).
> type([gigi,ugo,aldo,piero,pio]:genere_masc).
> type([{genere_femm},{genere_masc}]:persona).
> pred(padre(genere_masc, persona)).
> pred(madre(genere_femm, persona)).
> madre(ada,ugo).
> madre(ada,lea).
> madre(alda,piero).
> madre(lea,mara).
> madre(mara,pia).
> padre(gigi,ugo).
> padre(gigi,lea).
> padre(ugo,piero).
> padre(aldo,mara).
> padre(pio,pia).
> pred(genitore(persona, persona)).
> genitore(X,Y) :- padre(X,Y).
> genitore(X,Y) :- madre(X,Y).
> |
> And I get the following error:
> |
> ERROR: ..directory..:1:
> source_sink `library(unit_checker)' does not exist
> |
> It seems to be a library-linking problem, tried the same exact file and
> related library on a Windows machine and it worked with no problems...
library(unit_checker) is not part of SWI-Prolog itself (it has
library(plunit) for unit tests). So, it is probably installed somehow
on your Windows machine and not on your Mac.
Cheers --- Jan