I have recently come across Prolog.I was wondering whether it is possible for Prolog to make a prediction based on data which is in SQL Server.
Day Weather Taken out Umbrella
Monday Cloudy Yes
Tuesday Sunny No
Wednesday Rain Yes
Thursday Sunny No
Can Prolog use this data in the database and make a prediction whether to take out the umbrella or not
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On 06/25/2015 04:34 PM, Alan Baljeu wrote:
> Prolog is a programming language, so yes. It doesn't have specific
> tools to recognize patterns in data, but if libraries exist I'm interested.
Well, as you probably know, there is library(odbc) to access databases
and library(cql) which provides a high level view. The high level view
is probably not worth the trouble for this really simple case, but it
can be if you must pose much more complicated queries.
Given a predicate
weather_forecast(Day, Weather) :-
the rest is of course simple :-)
If you have lots of facts and you want to learn when to use an umbrella
you need machine learning. There are several libraries for that,
depending on what kind of model you want to learn. I'm afraid I don't
have a clear overview what is readily available and works out-of-the-box
on SWI-Prolog.
Cheers --- Jan
On 06/25/2015 10:37 PM, nicos.ang...@gmail.com wrote:
> And in the context of packs, a controlled vocabulary of topics that
> each pack belongs to, would be a useful first step towards view by
> "subject".
A first step would be to actually do something with the keywords that
appear in the pack meta-data. We now have 124 registered packs and it
is getting a bit hard to find the right one. I think that should be
considered good news :-)
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Actually, that's a classic example of the sort of problem RDF was intended to solve.
Maybe we could start promulgating some sort of ontology for packs.