Dear Jan, all,
A. a quick reminder to users that SWI has a neat documentation server.
Once you 've loaded your code to memory (eg all installed packages)
you can start a doc server that will provide searchable doc in a web server
?- use_module(library(doc_http)).
?- doc_server(Port).
% Started server at
http://localhost:34727/pldoc/Port = 34727.
You then point your browser to the advertised location and you have a
fully customised doc server (Port can be set instead of requested).
(Linux hint: you can serve all the installed packs from command line with % upsh spudlike.)
Currently searching in the documentation for csv_read_file
does not find the docs for csv_read_file/3
I think this has been so since the major re-code in autumn 2018,
but this is not here or there. The behaviour limits the
effectiveness of the server. It would be nice if searching matched predicate names
(non-excluding user defined ones)
Nicos Angelopoulos