On 25/01/2019 20:13, cc.carlo.cap wrote:
> Hi all
> I wonder if https://github.com/openlink/rdf-editor could be supported.
> The OpenLink RDF Editor enables editing of RDF documents (in TURTLE
> notation) stored in a variety of HTTP accessible documents.
> It requires at least one of the following open standards:
> 1. Linked Data Platform (LDP)
> 2. WebDAV
> 3. SPARQL 1.1 Update
> 4. SPARQL Graph Protocol.
> If none available, I'd like an hint - what of these could be 'more
> easily' implemented in SWI-Prolog http/semweb server model ?
SPARQL 1.1 Update is available if you use ClioPatria. I have started
some work to turn the SPARQL part of ClioPatria into a stand-alone
library, but that isn't published yet. That is probably also the most
complicated thing to implement :)
> We do not consider SPARQL adequate for creating rich semantic web applications. SPARQL often needs additional application logic that is located near the data to provide a task-specific API that drives the user interface. Locating this logic near the data is required to avoid protocol and latency overhead. RDF-based application logic is a perfect match for Prolog and the RDF data is much easier queried through the Prolog RDF libraries than through SPARQL. That said, SPARQL is still useful to support clients designed for it.
Fully agree, swipl (on wasm) will be a lot easier to me.
I think Wouter has code for getting LDP out of Prolog, but not in?
For the others I have no information. Somebody may have done it.
A WebDAV server would be nice to have.