New forum, help wanted

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Jan Wielemaker

Feb 4, 2019, 1:24:41 PM2/4/19

I've asked and received a free forum on The address is I went through the basic setup
dialog, adding names and icons. There is a lot to configure and ideally
we should migrate this group. I understand that Discourse has an API
that provides full control and thus you can write nice Prolog programs :)

I'm looking for volunteers who would like to organize the forum. I think
we can have up to 5 admin accounts, so the work can be split.

Subscriptions are already open. Please have a look, see how we can make
this work and get rid of Google groups as many of you have asked for so

Thanks --- Jan

James Cash

Feb 4, 2019, 4:05:18 PM2/4/19
to SWI-Prolog
Hi Jan, I'd be happy to help with the Discourse if needed!

Carlo Capelli

Feb 4, 2019, 4:30:51 PM2/4/19
to Jan Wielemaker,
Hi Jan, all

Il giorno lun 4 feb 2019 alle ore 14:24 Jan Wielemaker <> ha scritto:

I've asked and received a free forum on The address is I went through the basic setup
dialog, adding names and icons. There is a lot to configure and ideally
we should migrate this group.  I understand that Discourse has an API
that provides full control and thus you can write nice Prolog programs :)

Great !

I'm looking for volunteers who would like to organize the forum. I think
we can have up to 5 admin accounts, so the work can be split.

Subscriptions are already open. Please have a look, see how we can make
this work and get rid of Google groups as many of you have asked for so

I don't have technical regrets to GGroups, but I have a 'social' one, Richard O'Keefe goodby.
Would be inappropriate to invite him ? Since presumably he doesn't follow this thread.

Ciao, Carlo

        Thanks --- Jan

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Jan Wielemaker

Feb 4, 2019, 9:30:58 PM2/4/19
to Carlo Capelli,
On 04/02/2019 17:30, Carlo Capelli wrote:
> Hi Jan, all
> Il giorno lun 4 feb 2019 alle ore 14:24 Jan Wielemaker
> < <>> ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I've asked and received a free forum on The address
> is I went through the basic
> setup dialog, adding names and icons. There is a lot to configure and
> ideally we should migrate this group. I understand that Discourse
> has an API that provides full control and thus you can write nice
> Prolog programs :)
> Great !
> I'm looking for volunteers who would like to organize the forum. I
> think we can have up to 5 admin accounts, so the work can be split.
> Subscriptions are already open. Please have a look, see how we can
> make this work and get rid of Google groups as many of you have asked
> for so long.
> I don't have technical regrets to GGroups, but I have a 'social' one,
> Richard O'Keefe goodby. Would be inappropriate to invite him ? Since
> presumably he doesn't follow this thread.

Surely I'd welcome Richard's input again! Might be wise to wait a
little until we are on track, notably with clear instructions on how
to use this as a mail list.

Cheers --- Jan

Anne Ogborn

Feb 5, 2019, 2:04:28 AM2/5/19
to Jan Wielemaker,
We've had one comment that a user didn't want to have to make another account just to sign up for the mail
list come in via twitter.

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