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Robbie Morrison

Jan 31, 2023, 4:22:19 AM1/31/23
to SWHID (Software Heritage Identifiers) discussions

Hello all

I am an energy systems modeler investigating rapid decarbonization by scenario analysis.  I only work with open source frameworks and genuinely open data and overarching data schemas.

I am particularly interested in the crossover between open source software, public policy applications, and transparency and reproducibility in that context.  Going further, some areas of public policy analysis should benefit from commons‑based peer production, including the exploration of pathways to net‑zero.

Therefore, being able to archive and reference specific software in this context is vital.

Doubtless outside the current scope of Software Heritage, but being able to identify specific codebases and their associated datasets would be especially helpful.  These together create a specific model.  Which raises the question of whether Software Heritage could and should support text files in YAML, JSON, CSV, and uncompressed OKF frictionless formats, and perhaps also zipped OKF and encoded database structures?  And collectively then with a single SWHID identifier.

with best wishes, Robbie

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