Dear all,
here is a short update on what has going on over the past months.
The dedicated SWHID project in the JDF, that will be the steward of the future standard, has been created, with Inria and Intel as first members.
The specification has been submitted, under the umbrella of the JDF Foundation of the Linux Foundation (many thanks to them!) using the PAS process to JTC-1, the ISO and IEC Joint Technical Committee.
It will take some three more months to get an answer, and we'll come back to you in case changes to the specification come up.
It is still time for organisations to join the SWHID project in the JDF, not only the organisations with people that actively contributed until here to consider joining, doors are quite open to organisations that consider getting more involved in the future.
If you think your organisation may be interested in joining, please let me know, and we'll put you in touch with the right person at the JDF
Roberto (on behalf of the SWHID specification core team)
Computer Science Professor
(on leave at INRIA from IRIF/Université Paris Cité)
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