Dear all,
the last call for comments has allowed us to fix a few remaining minor issues with the specification (big thanks for all the feedback!), and no blocker has emerged.
As a consequence, the following updates have been made to the official SWHID website and the development repository:
- The release of the frozen sources of this approved specification is available at
- A branch named "v1.0" has been created in the GH repository of the specification (see it will allow us to update the v1.0 with minor changes if needed
- The link to the specification from now points to the released version 1.0 (
- A version selector is available on the top left of the specification page, that will allow to visualize different versions of the specification (for the moment, we have "v1.0" and "dev" that are identical, as we just released v1.0, but this will change in the future)
- GitHub actions have been updated to track modifications to all branches
The "main" branch of the specification repository is now ready to keep working on a new version of the specification that may address the
several non blocker issues that are still open, and any other that may emerge in the coming weeks.
Please do share the news broadly: now that the first stable specification contains a detailed and precise description of the SWHID, it is time to see if other stakeholders have specific needs that can be accommodated. One such example is the proposal for
adding a byte-offset fragment qualifier.
All the best
Roberto (on behalf of the SWHID specification core team)