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Progress on SWHID specification and next steps

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Roberto Di Cosmo

Apr 28, 2023, 9:36:37 AM4/28/23
Dear all,
     we are delighted to report that we are making steady progress:
  • the new expansion of the SWHID acronym has been adopted by a vast majority of participants, hence the corresponding issue has been resolved and the proposed pull request is now merged in the specification documents
  • no major concerns were raised about the pull requests addressing four of the blocker issues related to the computation of the SWHID, hence they have been merged and the corresponding issues resolved.

There are now only two issues marked 'blocker' that needs to be resolved before we produce a release candidate:

Resolve pending tasks in Core Identifiers blockerSpecification incomplete or incoherent
#21 opened on Apr 28 by rdicosmo

Hashing algorithm blockerSpecification incomplete or incoherent
#16 opened on Mar 2 by zvr

The first one is about a couple of todos in the text of the specification: contributions are very welcome to close this.

The second is more substantial, and concerns the issue of what to do in case one detects a hash collision: Stefano and Roberto are trying to collect the state of the art on this issue, and will report findings in the issue itself.


Roberto (on behalf of the SWHID specification core team)

P.S.: here is the URL of the open issues

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