Update/Change params.bgcolor once loaded???

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Jun 21, 2012, 8:57:00 AM6/21/12
to swfo...@googlegroups.com

Once i have used "swfobject.embedSWF"
With the params set -- is there any way to change the values?

I have this...
var params = {};
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
But what i would like to do now - is let the user click a javascript link to change the stage color if they want.

I've tried this ---> document.getElementById("mySWF").setAttribute("bgcolor", "#00FF00");
But that didnt work.

Thanks for the help!

Nathan Mynarcik

Jun 21, 2012, 9:48:33 AM6/21/12
to swfo...@googlegroups.com

Set the wmode to transparent for the swf and use javascript to change the bg of the dom element that contains your swf

Nathan Mynarcik


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Aran Rhee

Jun 21, 2012, 11:55:12 AM6/21/12
to swfo...@googlegroups.com
Yep - What Nathan says will work.

Otherwise what you will need to do is expose an ExternalInterface method on your swf which changes the color of a movieclip (which covers your stage area) inside of itself. There are a bunch of tutorials on externalInterface out on the web...

The only reason I offer that solution is that wmode=transparent brings about a bunch of browser rendering bugs (some of which have no work-arounds) - Just google wmode=transparent bug to see what I mean. Depending on the complexity of your page and whether you have layers above / below Flash, this may not be an issue for you - Just test in all the browsers you want to support thoroughly.


Nathan Mynarcik

Jun 21, 2012, 12:00:55 PM6/21/12
to swfo...@googlegroups.com
wmode=opaque seems to work across more browsers in my experience.

The ExternalInterface call I thought about too right after I submitted my first response.  It really depends on how comfortable you are in coding AS vs. JS and providing them to communicate to eachother.

Aran Rhee

Jun 21, 2012, 12:09:04 PM6/21/12
to swfo...@googlegroups.com
wmode=opaque does work better, but it doesn't let the color through does it? I know it places the swf in the z-index stack with the rest of the DOM elements, but I think (as the name suggests), that the BG is then opaque and will be locked to what was specified in the swf / embed call... 

Nathan Mynarcik

Jun 21, 2012, 12:12:24 PM6/21/12
to swfo...@googlegroups.com
Doh! I think you are right. Touché!

@Aaron Personally, I would do the wmode=transparent with the JS call to change the dom element's bg.  It requires less lines of code and no need to recompile the swf (if your swf doesn't have a movieclip as it's background). But either suggestion here should do the trick for ya, and both are fairly easy!
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