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Some Interesting Apple Finds

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Fred Hiss

Dec 13, 2015, 12:28:25 PM12/13/15

Hey all,

I picked up a small junk box collection yesterday that appears to have a few gems in it. I'm mostly and Atari or Commodore guy but I do have some Apple items and in this case I wanted the boxed Ring Quest from Origin. I haven't seen one before and it looks great next to the other Origin large boxes.

After some more rummaging I did find a few other unforseen gems.

1. Broderbund Galactic Empire I and Galactic Empire IV. Both in their original baggies with disks, instructions, warranty cards and all. I checked both and the disks ran flawlessly.

2. Birth of the Phoenix: An introductory text adventure from Phoenix software. This also had the original paperwork and baggie as well as graphing paper for mapping. It also loaded great.

3. Cosmic capture - loose disk and ran great.

4. Asteroids in space - loose disk with a sleeve that has the company advertising on it. Can't get that one to load yet though.

5.  Hyperspace Wars - loose disk. Can't get that one to load either.

The rest of the box was a trove of manuals and such which will make nice references.

There was also a IIC but no power for it. I will have to track one down.

Anyway. As I'm not a big collector of these I was thinking of trading them if anyone is interested. I'm looking for a Morlocs Tower from Epyx as well as Armor Battle and Fore from Epyx. I'm also interested in older Ultima items too.

I may take them to EBay but I will have to research a little more. Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays and Cheers to all.


Stuart Feldhamer

Dec 13, 2015, 5:12:43 PM12/13/15

Sounds like a nice pickup!



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