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Trade Offer on Sierra Game

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r barth

Dec 10, 2017, 6:29:25 PM12/10/17
to Software Collectors
Hello Software Collectors,

If you happen to have the Tandy/IBM version of Mickey's Space Adventure, here is some Sierra games I can offer in a Trade:

Apple II version of Mickey's Space Adventure and Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (disks are functional for both)
IBM versions of Black Cauldron, KQ3, and Space Quest 1 (disks are functional for these as well)
Commodore versions of Dragon's Keep, Mickey's Space Adventure, and Donald Duck's Playground (don't know if these are functional)

If you have Mickey's Space Adventure for Tandy/IBM (even if they are disks only) and this offer appeals to you, please let me know.
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