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Favorite portable DOS gaming system

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John Herron

Jul 7, 2020, 11:58:26 PM7/7/20
I went on a potentially unuseful search for something small to play or emulate DOS games. Keyboard would make things way more practical. Realistically if it was a umpc phone that would be perfect but those don't seem to exist anymore. 

The latest attempt was an eeepc 901 which can run dosbox ok. Cheap and 8"  A lot of things run well but not quite Pentium level (terminal velocity on Pentium graphics pushes it with a little skipped framed). 

Was sort of after a pocket sized solution. Playing maybe up to 486 games like civilization but curious what others have thought about this or if the answer is just phones and full size laptops. 

- John

Mike Melanson

Jul 8, 2020, 12:01:12 AM7/8/20
to swcollect
Perhaps a simple Android tablet with a Bluetooth keyboard would fit the bill? There seems to be a build of Dosbox in the Play Store.

---- On Tue, 07 Jul 2020 20:58:13 -0700 John Herron <> wrote ----
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Jul 8, 2020, 6:15:14 AM7/8/20
There are DosBOX builds for Raspberry Pi computers, and there are also kits that provide a laptop-like experience for them with a screen and keyboard. May be worth a shot.

From: <> on behalf of John Herron <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 11:58:13 PM
To: <>
Subject: [SWcollect] Favorite portable DOS gaming system

Jim Leonard

Jul 8, 2020, 10:01:40 AM7/8/20
I still run actual DOS computers. A generic 486 or pentium can usually be had
on ebay/craigslist/facebook marketplace for under $100.

On 7/8/2020 5:15 AM, '' via Software Collectors wrote:
> There are DosBOX builds for Raspberry Pi computers, and there are also kits
> that provide a laptop-like experience for them with a screen and keyboard. May
> be worth a shot.
> Get Outlook for iOS <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* <> on behalf of
> John Herron <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2020 11:58:13 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* [SWcollect] Favorite portable DOS gaming system
> I went on a potentially unuseful search for something small to play or emulate
> DOS games. Keyboard would make things way more practical. Realistically if it
> was a umpc phone that would be perfect but those don't seem to exist anymore.
> The latest attempt was an eeepc 901 which can run dosbox ok. Cheap and 8"  A
> lot of things run well but not quite Pentium level (terminal velocity on
> Pentium graphics pushes it with a little skipped framed).
> Was sort of after a pocket sized solution. Playing maybe up to 486 games like
> civilization but curious what others have thought about this or if the answer
> is just phones and full size laptops.
> - John
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