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Looking for Mickey's Space Adventure for the IBM PC/PCjr

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r barth

Nov 13, 2017, 9:28:13 PM11/13/17
to Software Collectors

I hope the software collectors can see this.  I like to collect software for my IBM PCjr.  I am currently on the look out for "Mickey's Space Adventure" for the IBM PC/PCjr.  Here is a picture of what it looks like.  If anyone thinks they might be willing sell this, please let me know.
Mickey's Space Adventure (2).jpg

r barth

Nov 20, 2017, 10:03:00 AM11/20/17
to Software Collectors
One more thing I would like to add to the software collectors about my search for an IBM version of Mickey's Space Adventure.  If one of you happens to have the disks by themselves, I would gladly buy that as well.  I would just hope that they are functional disks.
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