Need Help with SWAT Model Compilation and Execution in Linux (gfortran)

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Qianjin Zheng

Aug 19, 2024, 9:36:29 AM8/19/24
to SWAT-user
Hello all, 

I’m a beginner in modifying and compiling the SWAT source code in a Linux environment using gfortran. I’m using CentOS 7, Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 for Linux, and the SWAT Source code V659 (2016).

I followed these steps:
  1. Used the make command to compile the SWAT source code.
  2. The compilation completed successfully, and I found the SWAT executable in the debug folder without any error messages.
  3. I copied this executable to the TxtInOut folder and attempted to run my model using the ./swat command under Linux environment.
However, when I run the SWAT model using the debug executable, I encounter the following error message shown as below:
  • gfortran: error: unrecognized command line option '-ffpe=summary=none'; make: *** [release/modparm.o] Error 1 at line 87 of file openwth.f (unit=119, file='tmp1.tmp'); fortran runtime error: end of file

I’m unsure of where I might have gone wrong, leading to these errors. Any guidance on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your help!

Best regards,

Sia Bass

Oct 14, 2024, 2:25:48 AM10/14/24
to SWAT-user
Hello Qianjin,

I recall having a similar error back in 2016-2017. I'll search through my files and share anything relevant if I find it.

From experience, I sometimes had to rename files in LINUX to ensure consistent capitalization, so that might be worth trying as well.

Additionally, I have the Word document we drafted detailing the compilation of SWAT on CentOS 7. Although we didn’t encounter your specific error in that file, I’d be happy to share it if you think it could help.

Best of luck. 
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