Hello to all of you,
I am currently working on a challenging project aiming at creating a methodology to simulate pesticides in a watershed, from Golf courses. I've used QSWAT+2.4.7 in QGIS 3.28.7, and SWAT+Editor v. 2.0
1) I have already quite satistyingly simulated discharge at the outlet (Qsim vs Qobs) over the period 2013-2020 (2 burnin years 2011-2012);
2) The idea now would be to implement pesticide application rates in the form of decision tables in SWAT+Editor.
Indeed I would like to test whether it's possible to simulate the relative contribution of pesticides that would be departing from a given LANDUSE (landuse = 'rgne' given as SWAT_CODE), down at the outlet? across time (so with concentrations varying according to discharge)?
- I have 6 pesticides with known quantities over a typical year (kg/ha)
- I had already (see screenshot) filled up the 'constituents' in SWAT+Editor - Edit Inputs but it's not precise and the results are not good; but i don't know if that's necessary, should i delete it if I create decision tables?
- I'd like to implement a decision table exactly similarly to that of the screenshot but with my own data, HOW can I proceed so that SWAT+Editor understands I want that those pesticides are applied over a certain landuse? ('RNGE')?.
In the screenshot 'landuse', my 'RNGE' was associated with 'meadow_intensive', corresponding to the grey polygon.
THANKS a lot if you can help me!!