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Miguel Rodrigues

Oct 18, 2024, 5:28:06 AMOct 18
to SWAT+
Dear SWAT community,

I'm currently editing a project in SWAT Editor 3.0.7 with SWAT Model 61.0.1. When running the model I get the following error:

forrtl: error (73): floating divide by zero Image PC Routine Line Source rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62CCAA16B CLI_INITWGN 244 cli_initwgn.f90 rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62C457FE1 CLI_WGNREAD 106 cli_wgnread.f90 rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62BDA7E68 PROC_DATE_TIME 44 proc_date_time.f90 rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62D0199A0 MAIN__ 37 main.f90 rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62D7BB0EB Unknown Unknown Unknown rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62D7BB819 Unknown Unknown Unknown rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62D7BB732 Unknown Unknown Unknown rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62D7BB5EE Unknown Unknown Unknown rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF62D7BB88E Unknown Unknown Unknown KERNEL32.DLL 00007FF8BA347374 Unknown Unknown Unknown ntdll.dll 00007FF8BBABCC91 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Many others report this same error and I haven't been able to find a solution to it. The problem seems to stem from cli.initwgn.f90, since in line 244 the subroutine performs this operation: wgn_pms(iwgn)%ppet_an = summm_p / summm_pet
It seems that the problem is that summm_pet is equal to 0.

I'm using observed precipitation and temperature, reason why I've selected the Hargreaves
method for the calculation of PET.

Can someone provide insights on how to solve this issue? Thank you.

Best regards,
Miguel Rodrigues

Nancy B. Sammons

Oct 18, 2024, 6:59:19 AMOct 18
to Miguel Rodrigues, SWAT+


I will take a look at this if you will send me your current txtinout in a compressed format.  We have seen this problem and it was many times strange values in the monthly parameters of the ‘weather-wgn.cli’ file.





From: <> On Behalf Of Miguel Rodrigues
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2024 4:28 AM
To: SWAT+ <>
Subject: [SWAT+ User Group] cli_initwgn.f90


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Miguel Rodrigues

Oct 18, 2024, 7:21:42 AMOct 18
to SWAT+
Hi Nancy, 

Thank you for your fast reply.

Enclosed follows the compressed folder.

Best regards,
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