Hello everyone,
I'm trying to run my SWAT+ model in the SWAT editor but I keep getting this error:
Image PC Routine Line Source
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6316DA16B CLI_INITWGN 244 cli_initwgn.f90
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF630E87FE1 CLI_WGNREAD 106 cli_wgnread.f90
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6307D7E68 PROC_DATE_TIME 44 proc_date_time.f90
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF631A499A0 MAIN__ 37 main.f90
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6321EB0EB Unknown Unknown Unknown
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6321EB819 Unknown Unknown Unknown
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6321EB732 Unknown Unknown Unknown
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6321EB5EE Unknown Unknown Unknown
rev61.0.1_64debug 00007FF6321EB88E Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL 00007FFF21D77034 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ntdll.dll 00007FFF23982651 Unknown Unknown Unknown
I generated my weather engine with the specified format and modified the values according to the formats outlined in the weather-sta.cli and weather-wgn.cli sections, but the same error persists. I should mention that I use the "WGN Parameters Estimation Tool," a Microsoft Access tool to store and process daily weather data, to generate my weather engine and the individual data for each station and variable (I am only using precipitation and temperature from local stations). This tool outputs data in a format compatible with SWAT 2012, not SWAT+.
Therefore, based on the weather-sta.cli and weather-wgn.cli sections, I prepared my input data for SWAT+Editor, generating two .csv files (Stations CSV file and Monthly Values CSV file). However, the error still occurs. As mentioned in the previous comment, I am now attaching the weather-sta and weather-wgn files, hoping you can guide me on what I might be doing wrong or which data I might be incorporating incorrectly."
Thanks. Jorge.
Buenos días Jorge...
Qué arquitectura tiene tú computadora? 32 ó 64 bits?
A mí me salía algo similar luego configuré mí máquina por completo a formato inglés y 64 bits SWAT+ 3.0 y Qgis 3.34 y corrió normal.
Utilicé al inicio Qgis versión 3.16 Awat 2.21, no me funcionó.
Te recomiendo que utilices además los datos observados en formato Swat txt, formato WGN, siempre da problemas, aunque también se puede correr.
Qué versión de Qgis estás utilizando?
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