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Create HRUs-Error in the data used?

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Abdulrazzak Doughan

Dec 26, 2024, 1:45:00 PM12/26/24
to SWAT+ Editor
I started using SWAT+ but having problems with the soil and landuse data in "creating HRU". I am using tif files for both, soils from web soil survey and LULC data from NCLD. Can you help me with those? Should I use csv files also or what? As I am getting some errors where it says "no value for landuse 22" or "no value for soil 11"
Where can I get data to run that step? If i can find the data it would be easier.
I attached some screenshots.
It also crashes sometimes and cant go to Step 3:

Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso

Dec 28, 2024, 12:09:07 PM12/28/24
to Abdulrazzak Doughan, SWAT+ Editor

Buenos días. ..

Te recomiendo que utilices los mapas de Landuse global de suelo y suelo, como base. Previo a la extracción y proyección de la capa raster correspondiente al área de estudio para que pese menos el archivo.

Y donde tienes la opción de agregar el código SWAT de uso de suelo, utilizas el globallanduse y en suelo, el globalsoil... con ese formato no tienes problema para crear los HRU...

Los archivos csv son una opción....

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Abdulrazzak Doughan

Jan 2, 2025, 10:43:50 AMJan 2
to Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso, SWAT+ Editor
Hi Vincent
Thank you for your email.
I havent used CSV files and dont know where or how to get them. Can you help or tell me how?
Also where can I get soil and land cover data? I am using web soil survey and NLCD. Are there better sites?

Thank you.
Abdul Razzak (Abed) Doughan

From: Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso <>
Sent: 27 December 2024 10:13
To: Abdulrazzak Doughan <>
Cc: SWAT+ Editor <>
Subject: Re: [SWAT+ Editor User Group] Create HRUs-Error in the data used?

Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso

Jan 2, 2025, 10:44:05 AMJan 2
to Abdulrazzak Doughan, SWAT+ Editor

Estimado amigo.

Los archivos csv se creen desde Excel, cuando guardas el archivo, asegúrate de guardarlos como texto delimitado por comas.

Los datos de suelo, los puedes obtener en la página de la FAO.

Mapa global de suelo y suelo

Abdulrazzak Doughan

Jan 2, 2025, 10:44:22 AMJan 2
to Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso, SWAT+ Editor
What about land use land cover?
Should I create the excel sheet and save it as CSV or is the excel sheet downloaded from somewhere/website?

Abdul Razzak (Abed) Doughan

From: Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso <>
Sent: 28 December 2024 15:32

Abdulrazzak Doughan

Jan 10, 2025, 12:48:46 PMJan 10
to SWAT+ Editor
Hello I still dont know how to create tables? any help or tutorial?
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