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HELP! Point source question

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ana corrochano

Dec 6, 2024, 10:50:53 AM12/6/24
to SWAT+ Editor


I am incorporating daily flow data into some point sources within my model. The model runs from 2016 to 2024, with temperature and rainfall input data provided daily for this period. However, the flow data for the point sources is also daily, but it is available only from 2021 to 2024.

Is it acceptable to include this flow data for the full model period (2016 to 2024), or should I limit the model run to 2021 to 2024 to match the availability of the point source data?

Vicente Ulices Archibold Lasso

Dec 9, 2024, 11:09:32 AM12/9/24
to ana corrochano, SWAT+ Editor

Buenas tardes....

Igual lo puedes correr con la data que tiene, sólo que los datos comparables, son aquellos donde tiene registro....


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Natalja C.

Dec 27, 2024, 12:01:27 PM12/27/24
to SWAT+ Editor

Sure, the model is flexible. You can run the model for the entire period and add point source data only when you have the data for it.
If you know that the point source was present in the period where you do not have any observations, you can use extrapolation techniques to fill-in the data gaps. But this should be done outside of SWAT+ before proceeding to the addition of the PS data.


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