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No inorganic N fertilizer is shown in SWAT+ output check

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Michael S.

Nov 19, 2024, 10:11:04 AM11/19/24
to SWAT+ Editor

Hi everyone

I am trying to model the nitrogen cycle in my watershed using the SWAT+ Editor. For this, I created custom operations under management schedules. However, when I run these, the SWAT+ output check for the Nitrogen Cycle shows that no inorganic nitrogen fertilizer is being added as mineral nitrogen.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

Thank you in advance

Screenshot 2024-11-19 103625.png

Screenshot 2024-11-19 103703.png

Andrew Hillman

Nov 25, 2024, 4:02:28 PM11/25/24
to SWAT+ Editor
I am not sure about this issue exactly, but I have seen similar issues for crop nutrient uptake and biomass yield. the swat check shows 0, but when I go to the actual output txt files, there clearly is uptake and yield. So I would reccomend checking the actual output files to confirm for sure.

Natalja C.

Dec 27, 2024, 12:04:44 PM12/27/24
to SWAT+ Editor

Indeed, this image migrated from the old swat, and now the data is being gathered from a number of different sources. The reason why there are "0" at some points is that:
- either the necessary output wasn't printed (the user did not select to print the necessary files).
- the model does not report this output.
- the editor does not parse this information yet.


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