Elevation Band

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Mohammad Nazari

Sep 7, 2016, 3:13:59 AM9/7/16

Can SWAT-CUP calibrate parameters for each elevation band? If yes, how?

Thank you

Abbaspour, Karim

Sep 7, 2016, 4:27:27 AM9/7/16
to swat...@googlegroups.com

No. only by hydrologic group, soil, landuse, subbasin and slope.


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Amal Merkhi

Jan 23, 2017, 5:52:09 PM1/23/17

Hi Mohammad,
 i need a help plz to generate elevation band, i don t know the technic and how do it. can you show me how

Abbaspour, Karim

Jan 23, 2017, 6:30:17 PM1/23/17
to swat...@googlegroups.com
In the utility programs directory of swatcup you will find instructions for creating elevation band.

Amal Merkhi

Jan 23, 2017, 6:45:11 PM1/23/17
Thank you Dr Karim,
i m using arcswat 2012 10. 2 2_18, please i need how to do that in arcswat. i m trayng to open the utilities program but  can t and i receive this message
Sans titre.jpg

Narayan Shrestha

Jan 25, 2017, 11:47:43 AM1/25/17
Create Elevation band using utility program or writing your own code, then you can use these elevation bands for many purpose and calibration can be done accordingly.....examples are: (1) create .sno files and you can calibrate .sno parameters for each bands (2) use of PLAPS and TLAPS (in .bsn) has their calculation procedure based on elevation bands (see theoretical manual of SWAT).....

Narayan Shrestha

Jan 25, 2017, 11:47:58 AM1/25/17
Create Elevation band using utility program or writing your own code, then you can use these elevation bands for many purpose and calibration can be done accordingly.....examples are: (1) create .sno files and you can calibrate .sno parameters for each bands (2) use of PLAPS and TLAPS (in .bsn) has their calculation procedure based on elevation bands (see theoretical manual of SWAT).....

Amal Merkhi

Jan 25, 2017, 6:53:22 PM1/25/17
to swat...@googlegroups.com
Hi thank you very mtch for the answer,
but i don t know how activat the utility program because i received this message, like there is no files created   image in attached.

i m asking if i need to do something before going to the utility program, for expemple filling the par inf file....


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Markhi Amal

Doctorante en hydrologie,télédétection et SIG

Univ. Cadi Ayyad, Collège doctoral, CED: Sciences et Techniques

Laboratoire de GEOHYD

Département des Sciences de la Terre 

GSM: (212) 06 58 81 50 95

E-mail: amal....@gmail.com

B.P. 549, 40 000 Marrakech

Sans titre.jpg

Mohammad Reza Eini

Jan 25, 2017, 11:59:55 PM1/25/17

Copy the utility program folder from Swat-CUP directory and paste the folder into your project directory.

....\SWAT-CUP\ExternalData (utilityprograms -> copy this folder) 

Mohammad Reza Eini
University of Tehran

On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 3:23:22 AM UTC+3:30, Amal Merkhi wrote:
Hi thank you very mtch for the answer,
but i don t know how activat the utility program because i received this message, like there is no files created   image in attached.

i m asking if i need to do something before going to the utility program, for expemple filling the par inf file....

2017-01-25 17:47 GMT+01:00 Narayan Shrestha <naray...@gmail.com>:
Create Elevation band using utility program or writing your own code, then you can use these elevation bands for many purpose and calibration can be done accordingly.....examples are: (1) create .sno files and you can calibrate .sno parameters for each bands (2) use of PLAPS and TLAPS (in .bsn) has their calculation procedure based on elevation bands (see theoretical manual of SWAT).....

On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 3:52:09 PM UTC-7, Amal Merkhi wrote:

Hi Mohammad,
 i need a help plz to generate elevation band, i don t know the technic and how do it. can you show me how
Le mercredi 7 septembre 2016 09:13:59 UTC+2, Mohammad Nazari a écrit :

Can SWAT-CUP calibrate parameters for each elevation band? If yes, how?

Thank you

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Amal Merkhi

Jan 26, 2017, 1:49:10 PM1/26/17
to swat...@googlegroups.com
Thank you very mutch brother

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Amal Merkhi

Jan 27, 2017, 8:37:52 AM1/27/17
to swat...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Plz i receive this while creating Model.in file, no thing is creat and the Elev_band_cup is bloked as is showen in the image in attached.
many thns for help


Aug 6, 2017, 4:09:09 PM8/6/17

I am having trouble running the replace.exe and Elev_band_CUP.exe programs -- when I try to run them from the command line, I am receiving the error "cannot open elev_band.txt". Why is this? Does any one have any insight? 


chriss lewis

Mar 17, 2021, 3:10:40 AM3/17/21
what if the difference in elevation in the catchment is very small hence no elevation bands can be created example catchment maximum height is 200m above sea level then still is a must to fix PLAPS and TLAPS in SWAT-CUP?

summera khan

Dec 30, 2022, 7:58:03 AM12/30/22
elevation band is not available in my utility programs..plz help
i have also copied utility folder from C drive to my project folder
utility program.PNG
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Sujata Pandey

Jul 3, 2024, 4:42:23 AMJul 3
Hello everyone,

I was also not getting the elevation bands in the Utility programmes, hence I copied it from SWAT_CUP folder to my project directory. Still wasn't able to see the elevation bands option, I tried running that Instead using the Copied folder from Swat-CUP and got stuck in Elev_band_cup.exe. Please tell me how to proceed further

I have also attached the SS of the Command Promt.

Thanks and Regards

Screenshot (233).png

Rayen Rivera

Oct 23, 2024, 11:47:40 AMOct 23
 had this same issue that I prepared every file right but after I ran the Elev_band_Cup.exe, the model.in file was empty. I found in this group the way to solve it:
If you use QSWAT to create the SWAT project, then the format of TopoRep.txt from QSWAT is different from ArcSWAT. We need to modify each "Subbasin" into "Subbasin # " in the TopoRep file from QSWAT. Then the issue can be solved.
(example: Replace Subbasin 1 for Subbasin # 1 in the TopoRep).
The other cause of the issue can be tha number of subbasins you write in the "elev_band.def" file. If you deleted the Subbasins with a difference of ElevMax-ElevMin < 500, then you should not write the entire numer of subbasins you have in your proyect, but the numer you used for the elev_band.txt file. (See step 7 in the ReadMe file: 7- Edit the file elev_band.def with the correct number of elevation bands and the final number of subbasins (rows) in step 6 above)

Best regards,

Rayén Rivera
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