hello everyone ,please who can help me to extract netcdf file to csv precipitation for arc swat. please
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U can use R
hello everyone ,please who can help me to extract netcdf file to csv precipitation for arc swat. please
import glob from netCDF4 import Dataset import numpy as np import pandas as pd all_years = [] for file in glob.glob('*.nc'): print(file) data = Dataset(file, 'r') time = data.variables['time'] year = time.units[11:15] all_years.append(year) year_start = min(all_years) end_year = max(all_years) date_range = pd.date_range(start = str(year_start) + '-01-01', end = str(end_year)+'-12-31', freq = 'M') df = pd.DataFrame(0.0, columns = ['precip'], index = date_range) lat_keshem = 31.93321389 lon_keshem = 63.04979722 all_years.sort() for yr in all_years: data = Dataset(str(yr)+'.nc', 'r') lat = data.variables['lat'][:] lon = data.variables['lon'][:] sq_diff_lat = (lat-lat_keshem)**2 sq_diff_lon = (lon-lon_keshem)**2 min_index_lat = sq_diff_lat.argmin() min_index_lon = sq_diff_lon.argmin() precip = data.variables['precip'] start = str(yr) + '-01-01' end = str(yr) + '-12-31' d_range = pd.date_range(start = start, end = end, freq = 'M') for t_index in np.arange(0, len(d_range)): #print('Recording the value for: '+str(d_range[t_index])) df.loc[d_range[t_index]]['precip'] = precip[t_index, min_index_lat, min_index_lon] df.to_csv('XXXXX.csv')
hello everyone ,please who can help me to extract netcdf file to csv precipitation for arc swat. please
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Drop me the data
hello everyone ,please who can help me to extract netcdf file to csv precipitation for arc swat. please
Check this https://youtu.be/vIyZ2_U5t4c?si=k9PM5NRGrte0x4N3
hello everyone ,please who can help me to extract netcdf file to csv precipitation for arc swat. please