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Karim Abbaspour

Mar 22, 2013, 6:37:23 AM3/22/13
to swat...@googlegroups.com, swat...@googlegroups.com
Dear Colleagues,
There has been a lot of request for SWAT-CUP for SWAT2012. I have been busy upgrading the SWAT-CUP. I now have a preliminary version, perhaps with some errors yet. But I am making the preliminary version available now. You can download the program from my ftp site below. The important changes are in:

-  Please install SWAT-CUP to the directory where you install SWAT, that is C:\SWAT\SWAT_CUP
- Look at the directory C:\Swat\SWAT-CUP\ExternalData\SourceData and put you swat execution file in the proper directories as SWAT.exe do not use SWAT2009.exe or SWAT2012.exe just use SWAT.exe

- You can do both SWAT2009 and 2012 with this version and different SWAT exe versions. SWAT-CUP 64-bit exe's are coming soon.
- par_inf.txt file. The form view helps you to choose the parameters and put them in correct format.
Here, the grid technology is used and all the rules of grids that apply.
- The SWAT_Edit.exe program is now much more flexible. We removed some constraints and you can now apply it to any variable in SWAT including the data bases, crop, urban, fert, etc.
- I do not have a manual yet and am planning a combination of text and embedded videos. These are yet to come. -Also, much more is coming in term of instruction for calibration, parameterization, visualization, etc. I am now adding a number of programs that can help to parameterize the project, determine the upstream subbasins of an outlet, to do elevation band, extract variables in different forms, etc. etc. Please be patient!
Please start using the tool and let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Download directory SWAT-CUP_5.1.3  from:
sign in as anonymous and give your email address as password
Dr. K.C. Abbaspour
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology
Ueberlandstr. 133, P.O. Box 611, 8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland
email: abba...@eawag.ch
phone: +41 44 823 5359
fax: +41 44 823 5375

Jason Campbell

Mar 22, 2013, 11:20:41 AM3/22/13
to swat...@googlegroups.com
I got an error saying that input string was not in correct format.

From: Karim Abbaspour <k_abb...@yahoo.com>
To: "swat...@googlegroups.com" <swat...@googlegroups.com>; "swat...@googlegroups.com" <swat...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 5:37 AM
Subject: SWAT-CUP 2012

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Kiby Gabriel

Sep 26, 2024, 5:04:41 AMSep 26
Good day!

I know this conversation thread is from 2013 but I am encountering the same error that a member of this group had when running the  Sufi2_run_bat. The error says that the ` input string is not in the correct format`. This is the first time I've encountered this issue since using SWAT-CUP, and I've successfully used this version several times this year. I have tried the troubleshooting suggestions found in the group to no avail so I hope you can help me because I might have hit a wall on this one. Thank you. sufi2-run_error.png  I 
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