Best Simulation Always No. 1 AND dotty plots

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Jul 24, 2024, 8:28:48 AMJul 24

Dear Karim, how do I solve this issue that I am facing?

Despite running multiple simulations, whether it be 10 or 100, I consistently encounter the issue where the best simulation result is always ranked as number 1, indicating a lack of variability or potential error in the simulation process.

(I have installed swat2012.exe into my swatcup project folder and renamed as SWAT as well!)

Goal_type= PBIAS    No_sims= 10     Best_sim_no= 1    Best_goal = 1.000000e+002


 Parameter_Name           Fitted_Value     Min_value      Max_value

1:V__CN2.mgt            44.450001       35.000000      98.000000        0.250000        0.000000       1.000000        135.000000      30.000000      450.000000           1.700000        0.000000       2.000000

Additionally, the 95PPU (95% Prediction Uncertainty) plot only displays the observed data, failing to show the necessary range of simulated data

I checked my input files and file.cio and have input the data sets correct to my knowledge including dataset such as observed flow date and other parameters.


General Information/Watershed Configuration:


              34    | NBYR : Number of years simulated

            1986    | IYR : Beginning year of simulation

               1    | IDAF : Beginning julian day of simulation

             365    | IDAL : Ending julian day of simulation

Special Projects:

               0    | ISPROJ: special project: 1=repeat simulation

               0    | ICLB: auto-calibration option: 0=no, 1=yes

                    | CALFILE: auto-calibration parameter file

Output Information:

               1    | IPRINT: print code (month, day, year)

               3    | NYSKIP: number of years to skip output printing/summarization

               0    | ILOG: streamflow print code: 1=print log of streamflow

               0    | IPRP: print code for output.pst file: 1= print pesticide output


output.rch     : swat output file name

1              : number of variables to get

7            : variable column number(s) in the swat output file (as many as the above number)


19              : total number of reaches (subbasins) in the project


1              : number of reaches (subbasins) to get for the first variable

19        : reach (subbasin) numbers for the first variable




1989           : beginning year of simulation not including the warm up period

1999           : end year of simulation


1              : time step (1=daily, 2=monthly, 3=yearly)



1     : number of observed variables

8     : Objective function type, 1=mult,2=sum,3=r2,4=chi2,5=NS,6=br2,7=ssqr,8=PBIAS,9=KGE,10=RSR,11=MNS

0.5   : min value of objective function threshold for the behavioral solutions

1     : if objective function is 11=MNS (modified NS),indicate the power, p.



FLOW_OUT_19   : this is the name of the variable and the subbasin number to be included in the objective function

1     : weight of the variable in the objective function

-1    : Dynamic flow separation. Not considered if -1. If 1, then values should be added in the forth column below after observations

-1    : constant flow separation, threshold value. (not considered if -1)

1     : if constant separation of signal is considered, this is weight of the smaller values in the objective function

1     : if constant separation of signal is considered, this is weight of the larger values in the objective function

10    : percentage of measurement error

3652   : number of data points for this variable as it follows below. First column is a sequential number from beginning

      : of the simulation, second column is variable name and date (format arbitrary), third column is variable value.


1     FLOW_OUT_1_1990   1.476

2     FLOW_OUT_2_1990   1.347

3     FLOW_OUT_3_1990   1.306

4     FLOW_OUT_4_1990   1.196

5     FLOW_OUT_5_1990   1.048

6     FLOW_OUT_6_1990   0.9925

7     FLOW_OUT_7_1990   0.8402

8     FLOW_OUT_8_1990   0.8189

9     FLOW_OUT_9_1990   0.8133

10    FLOW_OUT_10_1990  0.8011

11    FLOW_OUT_11_1990  0.74……….


And I don’t think my simulated flow data is being read despite me providing the correct TXTINOUT folder


observed    simulated

1.4760        0.0000

1.3470        0.0000

1.3060        0.0000

1.1960        0.0000

1.0480        0.0000

0.9925        0.0000

0.8402        0.0000

0.8189        0.0000

0.8133        0.0000

0.8011        0.0000

0.7480        0.0000…..


habtamu Tekeba

Oct 9, 2024, 8:03:32 AMOct 9
hello all how you I am new for swat cup ....
my question the calibrate outputs can not open like this so please help
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