wetland parameter

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Oct 12, 2023, 4:56:19 PM10/12/23
Hi Dr.  Karim and all,
I am a graduate student at University of Nebraska, USA and I am calibrating a SWAT model for three basins in Nebraska which are situated near the river and also that region has Agricultural and wetland.  I performed 300 simulations on a monthly basis.
However, I encountered challenges as my calibrated model produced unsatisfactory results, with R2 value of 0.2 and an NSE value of -0.57, indicating a poor fit between the observed value and simulated values. I focused on a single variable as a streamflow.
To improve the calibration process and achieve more accurate results, I would greatly appreciate your guidance on selecting appropriate parameters and parameter ranges. I have included the parameters which I used in the basin.
Furthermore, In the SWAT model, I did not give any input data of wetland or reservoir, so I have questions: Is it necessary to input wetland data in the SWAT-Model? or In SUFI-2, wetland parameters can help to calibrate the model without input data of wetland?

If No, how to prepare a wetland dataset for a SWAT model. Please, guide me to prepare a dataset.
Thank You,

r__CN2.mgt    73.97   87
v__ALPHA_BF.gw    0.64   0.884
v__GW_DELAY.gw    103.85   201.31
v__GWQMN.gw    243.69   531.32
v__ESCO.hru    0.36   0.97
r__SOL_AWC(1).sol    0.63   1
r__SURLAG.bsn    0.63   2.21
r__RCHRG_DP.gw    0.09   0.26
r__WET_FR.pnd    0.12   0.17
v__GW_REVAP.gw    4.07   12.20
r__SOL_K(1).sol    195.93   588.18
Second Simulation 
r__CN2.mgt    15.880547   71.994453
v__ALPHA_BF.gw    0.475491   1.429509
v__GW_DELAY.gw    107.927551   369.572449
v__GWQMN.gw    0   2683.295654
r__ESCO.hru    0.065842   0.689158
r__SOL_AWC(1).sol    0.44084   1.32416
r__SURLAG.bsn    0.5   6.843964
r__EPCO.hru    0.368352   1.106648
r__RCHRG_DP.gw    0.01   0.548732
r__PND_FR.pnd    0   0.539177
r__WET_FR.pnd    0.118345   0.706655
r__PLAPS.sub    -344.170837   219.170853
r__TLAPS.sub    -22.915937   31.415937
95 PPU plot.png

Ignacio Fuentes

Oct 12, 2023, 5:39:30 PM10/12/23
to swat...@googlegroups.com
Hi Nikita,
The CN2 values that you are passing are odd. Consider that you are using r__,  which I think stands for "relative". 
“a__”, “v__” and “r__” mean an absolute increase, a replacement, and a relative change to the initial parameter values, respectively."
Therefore, the values you are giving to CN2 should use v__, or you should apply values for r__ that make sense. 
Try for instance r__CN2.mgt   -0.3    0.3 and then assess the dotty plots to adjust accordingly.
I hope it helps.

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Saba Kidane

Oct 12, 2023, 9:49:11 PM10/12/23
to swat...@googlegroups.com
Hi Nikita,

In addition to Ignacio Fuentes suggestions, do the same for the soil parameters. The range should be -0.25 to 0.25 and most importantly, understand the mode of variations. 
I hope this will help you get better results. 

Best Regards 

Aida Yahyavi Rahimi

Oct 14, 2023, 7:56:20 PM10/14/23
Hello Nikita
Based on training video of Dr. Abbaspour on Youtube, I can say that you should  start your calibration with just TLAPS and PLAPS parameters (which here I noticed they are combined with others and are in your second simulation). In order to do this, you need to create elevation band. Later snow parameters should be calibrated (considering your case study is in Nebraska this step is necessary for you). At the end please be careful with the meaning of r (relative changes existing parameter's value by value*(1+ value from chosen range)), a (absolute changes existing parameter's value by value+/- (value from chosen range)) and v (replacement changes existing parameter's value by replacing value from chosen range). Here I think you tried to change CN2 with replacement so you chose those ranges but instead of v you wrote r (based on range of values that you chose).
Before defining any ranges please check their values from .hru .sol .gw and ...
Good luck


Dec 7, 2023, 5:36:42 PM12/7/23
Thank you


Jun 17, 2024, 1:28:41 PM6/17/24

 I am studying a wetland basin. Does anyone know the range of WET_NVOL and WET_MXVOL that I should use in the SWAT-CUP (SUFI-2) model?  

please provide parameter range suggestions.



Oct 1, 2024, 4:00:32 PM10/1/24


I am studying the impact of wetlands on the water availability in one of the "large" watersheds in the US. Our model calibration (KGE -> 0.83) and validation (KGE -> 0.71) scores are good without including any parameters specific to the wetland. Do I need to include wetland parameters specifically for the study, or can we tweak the existing set of parameters to include wetland information in the model? If we need to include the range, please suggest the range of wetland parameters such as WET_NVOL, WET_MXVOL, or any other that could be useful.

I look forward to listening to your thoughts. I really appreciate any help you can provide.

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