Yinlong (David) Huang
B.Sc Engineering(Civil), M.Sc, Ph.D student
Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory
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Hello Mr. Huang and other group members
I made the correction as you said, but it's still stuck in the same place.
In addition, the parts I experimented with are as follows:
· since the simulation was completed in 2020, I tried IDAL=366 in file.cio. I also tried IDAL=365 and IDAL=364 (364 worked in a previous model).
· ‘In Sufi2_extract_rch_def’ and ‘extract_rch_No_Obs.def’ I tried 6 or 7 in the “variable column number(s) in the swat output file” section.
· I made the warm_up period 2 years in the swat model and made updates accordingly
I have tried the above changes with various variations, but still no results.
If you can think of anything wrong or see anything wrong, I can correct it immediately. I would appreciate your help.
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