Windows 10 Enterprise Ltsc 2018 Download

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Renita Lukins

Jul 26, 2024, 2:13:03 AM (yesterday) Jul 26

Hi Folks,
I'm new with my up2 and I have installed Windows 10 enterprise 2019 ltsc. Now I wrote a small test Desktop programm with c#@VS2017 to test the uart communication via the 40 Pin Header (8,10), but I cannot find it with "SerialPort.GetPortNames". The Device Manager shows under Ports 2 COM-Ports UART Sub device (COM2) and UART Sub device(COM4).
If I try to connect the serial port, I get a IOException.
Can anyone help me on this?
Thank you.

Kindly install UP framework SDK if you have not, after that install the demo apps and run them. If they work correctly, then something could be wrong in your C# program. You can find the link to SDK and demo apps here.

Hi @camillus,
I've installed the framework successfully, but still no success by using the UART from Win10. I think the UART-communication is not handled by the framework, right? I've tried to use the Win32api instead of .net serial port, but also no success.
Is there a special driver needed to use the uart-port with Windows 10 2019 ltsc?
best regards,

Hi, any update on this?
I can confirm that the serial ports are listed on the device manager but not accessible on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 64-Bit LTSC 1809.
Tested with a long used and trusted serial terminal application, the list of serial ports available comes up empty!.
Windows is freshly installed and updated. UP2 drivers, and framework SDK were dowloaded and installed as of today.

Just noticed the same problem on windows iot core. The UART's are not found. In device manager we have problem code 28. Missing drivers. I installed the drivers manualy using pnputil. After that the problem code changed to 31.
Using an CP2102 UART BRIDGE CONTROLLER by USB seems to work and gives no problem code in device manager.

I have been trying to use the internal UART without succes with UWP. I have found following lines in the Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication Namespace document you can find on -us/uwp/api/windows.devices.serialcommunication?view=winrt-22000

Serial ports marked as internal to the machine (DEVPKEY_Device_InLocalMachineContainer == TRUE) are not accessible unless explictly marked by the vendor driver as unrestricted (DEVPKEY_DeviceInterface_Restricted == TRUE). Devices connect via most PCI COM port expansion cards are therefore not accessible.

Inaccessible serial ports may still be enumerated by DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(), but cannot be opened by SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(). Attemping to open such a device will either throw an exception or return null. Apps should handle this case by filtering such serial ports from the user's view, so that the user will not be able to interact with such an unsupported serial port.

Windows natively supports ports exposed by Serial-to-USB adapters that belong to the USB-CDC device class using the inbox usbser.sys driver (such as those used in Arduino Uno R3s). USB-CDC compatible Ids are:

In my opinion, the current UART implementation has limited use. I don't know if this is Intel, Microsoft or AAEON responsibility. @rogertsai(AAEON), I would like to ask you to provide information regarding the current development status and plans for better UART implementation. Can we expect support for Intel HS UART SubDevice driver or at least support SetCommMask call?

Have you guys fixed the damaged serial port driver for your board?, that is at the board support package that you MUST fix. Stop telling the users to look for works around!
I bought this UP board to use it in an industrial controller and it is collectiong dust the the shelve for more than two years now!. For industrial applications without serial port is as useles as an empty bag of potato chips. It can't be taken seriously for any IoT project. Next stop for it will be the electronics recycle bin along with another dozen of mediocrily suported boards.

Not trying to flame AMD. So calmly and with respect, Just saying,
*I bought very expensive set of professional workstation GPU's with the most common long term service business class OS for my business that deals with cad, cam, 3d design. for the purpose of, 10 year proofing, avoiding compatibility issues like this so that our business can run smoothly.
*I have had nothing but driver and stability problems with these cards since first purchased and have NEVER received a driver built for this card and its been over 12 years.
*That being said I see no benefit to buying professional cards or using pro software from amd for my business from this point forward.

Generally, you need the latest version of Windows fully updated for the latest AMD drivers to work correctly. so if you are using a Windows 10 LTSC 2016, as an example only, than that means your Windows OS is still like it was in 2016 with only security updates on it since. But the latest AMD Driver might depend on future Windows updates to work correctly.

This is windows 10 Enterprise ltsc version 1809 2018. Supported by Microsoft until Jan 12, 2027. amd driver version 27.20.21026.2006 was at purchase the latest STABLE professional windows os for business for game design and 3d cad cam environments so I figured they would have decent support for cad cam and 3d games. These cards cost like 4,000 when new.

In my opinion, Your Windows 10 LTSC may be supported up to 2027 but it doesn't get the regular Windows Updates (Optional, as an example) that the latest AMD Driver might require for the driver to work correctly. So it is like you still have Windows version 1809 installed with no other Windows Updates except Security Updates. AMD Latest driver requires the latest Windows Updates to be installed.

The ltsc lto has the ability to get all current windows updates minus the windows store and store apps, but does not push updates, or require them they are optional, But This system is up to date.

I don't see any pro software update that fixes this dx12_0 issue for normal windows 10 ether this looks to me That the drivers for consumer cards got an update for this issue and PRO cards did not.

What exactly do you mean when you say:

"I only have one option for a driver for win10 enterprise for this pro card and it is from 2006, 6 years BEFORE the card was released(old recycled drivers)".

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