Two upcoming events before the end of the month.
This Saturday at 9am (for at least a few hours) we'll be installing
shelving in the container:
We have all the materials, but will need to assemble on-site, so
bring a cordless drill if you are available to help.
The following Tuesday (3/26) at 6:30pm we'll meet in the meeting room of the
Watershed building next door (door is in the middle of the open area of
the building towards our tool library location).
This will be the regular monthly meeting location, where we may walk down
to the library as needed (when not raining).
Parking is not available by the tool library, except on the Saturdays
we're open, and walking is the best way to get to the Watershed building
as well.
We "should" also be able to bring up a Zoom session for those that can't
make it to the monthly meeting, but hybrid meetings are always a bit of
a gamble for those online:
Meeting ID: 840 6239 6759
Passcode: 9IMKQW
Hope you can make it,