We'll have an in-person meeting this month at Lucky Lab SW (I'll have
a logo-ed sign). I'll also bring up a Zoom session for remote attendees -
though free Zoom has a 40 minute time limit - in case in-person runs longer.
We have a completed insurance policy filed with PBOT now and will continue
working to have the lease agreement signed.
We'll continue with setting up Tool Librarian administrators, or arrange
a process for people to send me tool inventory lists to enter.
We'll also cover signage completed and in process for the container
and grants we will be applying for over the next year.
Topic: SWPTL Virtual September Meeting
Time: Sept 26, 2023 06:30 PM US/Pacific
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 4188 0602
Passcode: 7TYLDg