SW Portland Tool Library meeting 6:30pm Thursday March 12, Hillsdale Library

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Jason Bergstrom

Mar 6, 2020, 5:13:36 PM3/6/20
to sw-portland-...@googlegroups.com
The SW Portland Tool Library project meeting will be Thursday, March 12th,
6:30-7:30pm in the Hillsdale Library meeting room.

After a positive meeting with a contact in the PP&R, we will assess
possible locations in Gabriel Park for the SWPTL.

We've been challenged to suggest alternate locations within the
park that would work for a permanent structure, possibly with
a short term shipping container. What and when something may be approved
will depend on a larger audience in the department, We'll likely
suggest location options near the 3 parking lots (N/W/S).

If you have a chance to walk the park before Thursday, it would
be great to have a few more photos and details for the proposal.

See you on Thursday,
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