We have our SWPTL monthly meeting coming up this next Tuesday
at 6:30pm. We meet in the meeting room of the adjacent Watershed building.
Entrance is in the middle of the open area of the building towards our
tool library location. There should be a sign on the door of the meeting room.
We'll discuss recent a recent grant application, the all tool library meeting
and weekly operations.
Parking is not available by the tool library, except on the Saturdays
we're open, and walking is the best way to get to the Watershed building
as well.
We "should" also be able to bring up a Zoom session for those that can't
make it in person (we'll try with the cell network this month) but hybrid
meetings are always a bit of a gamble for those online:
Meeting ID: 871 6715 6391
Passcode: 7YrEKF
Hope to see you there,