update about AI image geneeration

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Robert Brown (RLBrown)

Oct 14, 2023, 4:56:34 PM10/14/23
to sv...@googlegroups.com
Hello SVMUG members,

As you may recall from my AI image generation demonstration, all four generators we looked at did a decent job, except for imaging human fingers. It was common to see twisted or snobby fingers, and often, the hands had six fingers.

There has been considerable improvement over the past month. Here is an image from the Firefly generator. The image has very few flaws, and the hand imaging is much better—still a slight oddness on the left-hand ring finger. You will also notice that the mirror in the scene is not an accurate simulation of a reflection.

— Robert

Firefly attractive blonde young woman is writing a letter. We can see her and her reflection in a la.jpeg
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