BLOG POLL: Comment from Adite Chatterjee

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Anders Abrahamsson []

Apr 7, 2006, 7:17:20 AM4/7/06
to Sustainopreneurship Group
Adite Chatterjee wrote in;

"Hi Anders. Your concept of sharing knowledge through e-books is
wonderful. My question is: is it possible to make these available
through offline media, since many of 'sustainopreneurs' would not have
the resources to access them online? Your thoughts please."

Anders Abrahamsson []

Apr 7, 2006, 7:39:12 AM4/7/06
to Sustainopreneurship Group
Hi Adite,

Thanks for the feedback.

I especially want the ICT+sustainopreneurship eBook to be devoted to
include the marginalized, connect the unconnected and get the world
online. ASAP :). And that is in the core of the idea, to deliver also
some really cost-efficient innovations for print on demand for offline
education and resourcing supporting sustainopreneurs everywhere in the
mean time (a high end solution is - for this purpose that
print quality is overkill).

The intention is to have the eBooks available in plain black-and-white
for easy printing and copying e. g. in telecenters in villages, so they
actually get to be spread. I intend to have it Creative Commons
licensed, open for everyone to further contribute to these resource
platforms in their own way (just to name the source and then freely
mashup/remix/edit their own stuff attached to it). And then, free to
print and redistribute offline.

Still, just to cover for the time invested and used to write them up, a
highly energized professional job based on many years of practice and
research, I plan to have short-term fee's when introducing them, that
you actually buy them in the first round online, and after a while when
they have been self-financed regards the development cost, I let them
free to the public downloadble everywhere where there is Internet
available. Maybe with a maximum time devoted from published the first
time and when let free, approx two months or so?

A sustainopreneurial idea/invention in itself in between the Cause and
Cash - i. e. in between the commercial and non-commercial domains. I
tend to talk about "for prosperity", as the concept to replace the
otherwise hard destinction "for profit" and "not for profit".

Now, your thoughts please, Adite :). Welcome to the conversation and
group :).

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