EU consultations on sustainable bioenergy. Why are nutrients not mentioned?
The EU has opened a public consultation on sustainability of
bioenergy policy, open to 23rd May 2016. Nutrients are not mentioned
in the consultation documents. Nutrients are not cited as a potential issue,
which is surprising in that the recently published standard ISO 13065:2015
“Sustainability Criteria for Bioenergy” cites phosphorus and nutrients as key
factors, for both limiting eutrophication and ensuring balanced soil fertility
(see SCOPE Newsletter 117
The EU consultation, with 9 questions, asks respondents what type of bioenergy they consider should be developed, what they see as benefits of bioenergies and what they see as risks. Possible risks cited are changes to carbon stock, land use, greenhouse gas impacts, air- water and soil impacts, biodiversity and market effects. Respondents are asked which of these issues should be addressed by EU bioenergy policies, as well as proposing other possible objectives such as promoting energy security, promoting free trade and competition in the EU and developing advanced biofuels.
Questions are also asked about the perception of different bioenergies, including from crops, forestry products, wastes, sewage sludge, agricultural residues, algae, and different forms, such as heat energy, biofuels and liquids, biogas. Respondents are asked their opinion of the effectiveness of existing EU policies in addressing different bioenergy sustainability issues and proposals for policy objectives for EU bioenergy policies.
If you consider that nutrient stewardship should be integrated into EU bioenergy policies, why not respond to the consultation and indicate the importance of nutrient management in bioenergy policies, both resource efficiency and eutrophication limitation.
Put your thoughts in this disussion group.
Questionnaire direct link