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Innovative P fertilizer recovery at TRL9 research level

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Edward Someus

Jan 20, 2016, 5:03:36 AM1/20/16
to Sustainable Phosphorus Platform

Dear All

The REFERTIL reserach project ended with TRL8 and work out a TRL9 research concept and design. 


I am searching applied researchers for strategic cooperation at >TRL8 with any kind of  Phosphorus recovery technology/product system who are planning TRL9  in 2016/2017. Pls visit


TRL9-Precovery“TRL” Technology Readiness Level is a method of estimating technology maturity and measurement of the research status maturity level and used as an objective driven tool for decision making on R&D investments at EU level. By evaluating a technology project against the parameters for each TRL, one can assign a TRL rating to the project based on its stage of progress. There are nine technology readiness levels; TRL 1 being the lowest and TRL 9 the highest research level.  All researchers welcome discussion and cooperation who reached or will soon reach TRL9 or above research maturity for Phosphorus recovery by any technology, method and/or product.


ABC: The ABC Animal Bone bioChar is made of food grade animal bones and characterized by as high as 92% mineral carbon and 8% carbon content only. This is a full value recovered organic Phosphorus fertilizer with high calcium content. ABC is recovered organic fertilizer and growing media and horticultural used in as low as 200-1000 kg/ha doses, in average 300 kg/ha.

Authority-permits: In Europe there is mandatory requirement to get permit from the MS Authorities according to EU regulations to install/operate a pyrolysis plant for commercial production of all and any types of biochar and commercial use of the product with possibility for Mutual Recognition (Reg. EC 764/2008) in the EU28. As soon as the revision of the EC 2003/2003 Fertilizer Regulation proposed to include biochar (as expected 2018/2020), than this EU regulation will be valid in all EU28 Member States. In case the MS defined stricter standard than the EC Biochar, than this upgraded standard will be valid and applied. “REACH” certification (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is mandatory for import, manufacturing, placing on the market and use of biochar above 1 t/y capacity from 2018. “EPR” Extended Producer Responsibility certificate provides legal and economical responsibility for biochar commercial producer and user.


Feb 1, 2016, 10:09:58 AM2/1/16
to Sustainable Phosphorus Platform
Dear Edward,

there might be a chance to have some candidates at hand in Germany, which are also members of the German P-platform. Could you specify what you're actually looking for (size of company, research needed, plant-size...)


Edward Someus

Feb 2, 2016, 10:01:29 PM2/2/16
to Sustainable Phosphorus Platform
TRL9 Phosphorus recovery Research platform "TRL9-PR"

Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your interest.

I am searching for TRL9-PR cooperation with such advanced and matured research results and organizations who have already reached TRL8 or at least TRL7 or close to, and targeting or even reached Phosphorous recovery research TRL9  level in any form of Phosphorus recovery. Struvite, manure aso........ processing can be interesting.

The goal is to make an integrated Phosphorus recovery science/research and industrial combined platform for recovered Phosphorus products (characterization, safety, legal interconnections - EU/MS Authority permits, REACH, market uptake and valorization ..... aso) and with EU Commission interlink to jointly progress with innovation P fertilizers in larger scale, whereas results and products from TRL9 activities are supporting each other incl REACH cooperation, all with interlink to EC2003/2003rev.

My part in this international TRL9-PR is P recovery from animal bone, for which I am global leading science, technology and industrial engineering original source organization and 2015 reached TRL8, in 2016 TRL9 research level targeted with small industrial BAT/BREF 4000 t/y output research test capacity of 30% P2O5 concentrated products.

The research goal is TRL9, as TRL9 is the only true value viability demonstration of matured scientific RTD results, including technology under true value industrial productive conditions and most importantly recovered P products under market competitive conditions.

Edward Someus
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