Climate Modification?

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Chris Malek

Apr 6, 2010, 1:38:21 PM4/6/10
to Sustain Central Wisconsin
Are companies involved in climate modification?

Shhh!!!, What If It Was Reported That They Are Spraying Aluminum?

Michael J. Murphy
April 6, 2010

Could a Ban of Transparent Reporting at the Asilomar Conference be an
Attempt to Cover-Up World-Wide Contamination From Stratospheric
Aerosol Geo-Engineering Programs?

Geo-engineers gathered once again near Monterey California at the
Asilomar International Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies
meeting to develop norms and guidelines for what they say will be
“controlled experimentation” on geo-engineering the planet. While many
claim that stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering (SAG), aka chemtrail
programs are in full-scale deployment, organizers of this meeting
showed a lack of transparency by either denying or holding reporters
to a high set of rules which limited what information was brought to
the attention of the public. While we might never know how much
information from the conference was suppressed in articles and
reports, we do know some of the information that was not included. The
issue of current SAG deployment and the use of aluminum in these
programs seemed to be missing from reports and articles that came out
of the conference.

People from around the world are witnessing white trails behind
airplanes and believe them to be a product of SAG programs that
scientists deny exist.

Mauro Oliveira, webmaster of GeoEngineeringWatch said that aluminum
became a concern to many after the American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting when independent journalists
sent shockwaves around the world after breaking the story of
scientists discussing the plausibility of spraying 10 to 20 mega-tons
of aluminum into the sky in SAG campaigns. Francis Mangels, a retired
USDA/USFS Biologist commented on the use of aluminum by saying,
“although aluminum is an abundant element, it does not exist naturally
in the environment in free form. Dispersing massive amounts of ultra-
fine aluminum particulates as proposed by geo-engineers into the
stratosphere would have unquantifiable human health and environmental
impacts”. When scientists were asked about the risks associated with
the use of aluminum sprayed as an aerosol in SAG programs, they
admitted that they have only begun to research aluminum and have
published nothing. They also admitted that something terrible could be
found in the future that they don’t know about. Also, when asked about
deployment of current programs, scientists denied that any SAG
programs have been deployed. This contradicted the findings of many
who claim that SAG programs are well under-way and that high amounts
of aluminum and other harmful substances from these programs are being
found resulting in the devastation of eco-systems and the health of
people around the world.

Like the AAAS meeting, the Asilomar geo-engineering conference hosted
some of the world’s leading geo-engineers, environmental groups and
scientists who gathered to discuss various issues relating to SAG.
Unlike the AAAS meeting, reporters were either denied attendance or
set to a high standard of rules which included a ban on daily
reporting, quoting, and recording anything from the meeting without
the consent of presenters. Stewart Howe was one of the reporters
denied access into the conference. Howe helped break the story about
aluminum when he was sent to the AAAS meeting in San Diego to report
for Infowars. He feels that he was denied access because of this and
his reporting of evidence that suggests SAG programs are in full-scale
deployment. Howe said, “due to the devastating effects of aluminum and
world-wide claims of current deployment, transparent reporting of this
could devastate the entire SAG agenda compromising billions of dollars
in contracts.” He went on to say that it was apparent that this
meeting had no intentions of being transparent.

Whereas many reporters were denied access to this event, some
“privileged” journalists did have the opportunity to attend. Although
some of the articles about the conference appeared to be critical of
geo-engineering, they largely ignored the use of aluminum and other
serious issues that could have impacted or changed the damaging
components of the SAG agenda. Due to their agreement to the strict,
non-transparent guidelines of the conference, the reporting
journalists not only helped keep some of the meeting secret, they also
helped hide the fact that geo-engineers are “planning” to use aluminum
in SAG programs. Some articles were also falsely written stating that
geo-engineers are planning on using sulfur in the various SAG
campaigns. This contradicts articles written by some reporters who
attended the AAAS meeting and quoted scientists as stating that they
initially considered using sulfur for the program; however, aluminum
is more effective and will be the ingredient considered for use. To
date, scientists have not corrected the journalists who falsely
reported the use of less damaging sulfur instead of harmful aluminum
as being an ingredient for SAG programs.

Let’s look at this issue a little more closely. People from around the
world are witnessing white trails behind airplanes and believe them to
be a product of SAG programs that scientists deny exist. People are
also reporting test results of high amounts of aluminum, barium and
strontium in their snow, rain and soil where the alleged spraying is
occurring. These are the exact substances that scientists are
“considering” implementing into the various SAG programs discussed at
the AAAS meeting. Shockwaves were sent around the globe after the AAAS
meeting because of reports that led many to believe that the
destruction of eco-systems and the massive amounts of aluminum found
in the snow, rain and soil are in fact from SAG programs that have
already been deployed. As a result of these reports, many around the
world are asking questions about the current deployment and the
dangers of using aluminum in these programs. And finally, journalists
are restricted from reporting certain facts from this conference that
could be damaging to the SAG agenda.

Could transparent reporting of certain facts threaten the current and
future deployment of SAG programs around the world? Could denying
independent reporters the freedom to openly report on this meeting be
an attempt to cover-up allegations that SAG programs are in full-scale
deployment and are also destroying eco-systems around the world with
the use of aluminum? Is it possible that the reporters who were
allowed into this meeting were invited for the purpose of protecting
the corporate and political interests of those involved with SAG
programs? What would the political and monetary implications be for
those who have vested interests in SAG if the larger public was made
aware of the multiple environmental and health effects of spraying
mega-tons of aluminum into our environment? Whatever the reason for
this lack of transparency and denial of information, we the public
need to hold both reporters and scientists to a higher degree of
professionalism, transparency and ethical consideration when it comes
to these and other issues of public interests. The future of our
health and environment is dependent upon it. More information and
videos on the subject of geo-engineering/chemtrails can be found on my
blog at . I can also be
reached at


Apr 11, 2010, 10:46:40 PM4/11/10
to Sustain Central Wisconsin

On Apr 6, 12:38 pm, Chris Malek <> wrote:
> Are companies involved in climate modification?
>   Shhh!!!, What If It Was Reported That They Are Spraying Aluminum?

Laura the Chaogrrl was always talking about those "Chemtrails" when I
first met her. I guess I'm a chemtrails skeptic, mainly because I'm an
Alex Jones/Infowars skeptic and that's who's usually talking about it.


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