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Erik Muller

Apr 27, 2020, 1:13:31 PM4/27/20
to suppress-covid19

Erik Muller

Apr 27, 2020, 1:15:32 PM4/27/20
to suppress-covid19

Erik Muller

Apr 27, 2020, 1:18:22 PM4/27/20
to suppress-covid19

Apr 28, 2020, 5:29:06 PM4/28/20
to Suppress19

Steinbach Gabor

Apr 29, 2020, 3:14:58 AM4/29/20
to suppress-covid19
Itt van az elkovetkezo orszagos tesztek modszere:

HUNgarian COronaVirus disease-19 Epidemiological Research
Országos reprezentatív epidemiológiai kutatás

Dr. Merkely Bélarektora klinikai járványelemző munkacsoport nevében


2020. április 27., hétfő 19:13:31 UTC+2 időpontban Erik Muller a következőt írta:

May 9, 2020, 12:36:05 PM5/9/20
to Suppress19
ha jól értem, akkor szerintük nem érdemes full populáció scant végezni, mert nem kivitelezhető: 

 "Testing the general population (mass testing) is mostly futile for containment" because "it needs to be done at such a high rate that [it] requires infeasible resources."    

ez is egy vélemény.

Tamas Nepusz

May 9, 2020, 12:44:04 PM5/9/20
to Suppress19

ha jól értem, akkor szerintük nem érdemes full populáció scant végezni, mert nem kivitelezhető: 
én úgy értelmezem, hogy nem elég simán random tesztelni, mert ha a random mintádba kevés super-spreader kerül be, akkor ebből alábecsülöd azt, hogy mennyire fog terjedni a járvány a fertőzöttek száma alapján. Full populáció scan-be nyilván a super-spreaderek is bekerülnek, hiszen mindenkit tesztelsz.

Inkább arról van szó (ha jól értem a ZDNet cikket), hogy az nem elég, ha azt mondod, hogy X tesztre van kapacitásod (pl költségvetésed), ezért simán random kiválasztasz egy X méretű reprezentatív mintát, mert ebből alá fogod becsülni azt, hogy mekkora terjedés várható.

Mondjuk már évekkel ezelőtt leírták a hálózatelmélészek azt az ötletet, hogy úgy kell tesztelni, hogy kiválasztasz randomra X embert, és mindegyiket megkéred, hogy mutasson rá egy random ismerősére. Ilyenkor a több kontakttal rendelkező emberek nagyobb valószínűséggel kerülnek kiválasztásra a következő lépésben. Ha ezt végtelen sokáig ismétled :), akkor végül mindenki a kapcsolatainak számával arányos valószínűséggel kerül majd kiválasztásra, de nyilván végtelenségig nem lehet ismételni.


Tamás Nepusz

May 12, 2020, 7:51:33 AM5/12/20
to suppress-covid19

May 12, 2020, 1:57:47 PM5/12/20
to Suppress19
a birodalom visszavág. bele kellene húzzunk, vagy valaki hozzon sok vakcinát vagy gyógyszert :)

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May 18, 2020, 3:09:46 PM5/18/20
to Suppress19

May 23, 2020, 3:36:04 AM5/23/20
to Suppress19

May 28, 2020, 7:31:44 PM5/28/20
to Suppress19

Wuhanban pooloznak:

"For pooled testing in Wuhan, health care workers take swab samples from the noses and throats of several people and deposit the samples in a single plastic tube, the Times reported. The batch of samples can then be scanned for evidence of viral genetic material using a method called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 

If the whole test tube tests negative, all the swabs within can be considered negative for the virus; if the tube tests positive, swabs included in the pooled can be retested individually to determine which specific sample contains viral particles. A portion of each swab sample usually gets reserved for the purpose of retesting, so people don't have to return to the test site to be swabbed a second time, Zehnder said. 

To ensure that the results of the pooled tests are as accurate as possible, labs must carefully consider how many samples to include in each batch, said Chris Bilder, a statistics professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln whose lab studies the use of group testing for infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. 

Let's talk logistics 

The ideal "pool size" — number of swabs in each pooled sample — largely depends on the prevalence of disease in a given population, Bilder said...."

May 30, 2020, 8:25:12 AM5/30/20
to Suppress19

Jun 6, 2020, 7:13:40 AM6/6/20
to Suppress19
Dani ajánlására egy cikk:
a bevezető nagyon-nagyon-nagyon hasonlít ezen projekt kapcsán szerzett saját tapasztalatomra ezen ügy kapcsán. Vegyes érzésekkel olvasom, hogy másoknak, más közegben kb. tökéletesen azonos tapasztalataik vannak:

"As I’ve written before, I think our fundamental problem is not a lack of good ideas. It’s that, outside of some isolated pockets of progress, our entire civilization no longer has the will (or ability? is there a difference?) to implement good ideas, or even really to try them. For anything new that requires coordination, today there are just too many stakeholders who need to be brought on board, too many risks that need further study. So I see Zeph, and anyone like him, as occupying a tragic position, a bit like that of an Aztec advocating the use of the wheel. “Sure,” the Aztec elders might calmly reply, “wheeled transport is obvious enough that we’ve all considered it, but a moment’s thought reveals why, in our actually existing empire, it would be reckless, costly, and of at most marginal benefit…”"

Vilmos Péter

Jun 6, 2020, 10:27:41 AM6/6/20
Mélységesen egyetértek. Erre már kb. 15 évvel ezelőtt felhívta a figyelmem egy kutató (Steve Cohen), aki Németországból Szingapúrba költöztette át a laborját. Azt mesélte, hogy ott nagyon szeret tanítani, mert az egyetemi tanárnak hihetetlen tisztelete van és a diákok törekvőek, érdeklődőek. Legalábbis a Nyugat-Európaiakhoz képest. Majd a kínaiak megoldják a problémát. :-)

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Viktória Lázár

Jun 6, 2020, 11:07:16 AM6/6/20
to Suppress19
Vuhanban mar leteszteltek 10 millio embert 2 heten belul. Irtak is, hogy most Vuhan az egyik legbiztonsagosabb hely a vilagon. 


Viktoria Lazar (Ph.D.)

Lab of Kishony

Emerson Life Sciences Building

Department of Biology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa 32000, Israel

Jun 16, 2020, 1:24:40 PM6/16/20
to Suppress19

Jun 27, 2020, 3:12:02 AM6/27/20
to Suppress19

Jun 28, 2020, 8:43:10 AM6/28/20
to Suppress19
rendes elemzés: OpenSAFELY: factors associated with COVID-19-related hospital death in the linked
electronic health records of 17 million adult NHS patients.

különösen érdekes számomra a cigi pozitív hatása

Jul 17, 2020, 9:00:23 AM7/17/20
to Suppress19

"It costs the government between $50 and $100 to run a single coronavirus test, Nsanzimana says. In order to test thousands a day, Rwanda has started using a process called "pool testing." Material from 20-25 nasal swabs are all put into one vial and run through the machine. This allows them to test far more samples at once. If they get a positive result, then all the swabs that went into that initial vial are tested individually to pinpoint the person who's infected."

Meszéna Géza

Jul 19, 2020, 2:16:05 AM7/19/20
to suppress-covid19
Én meg ezt találtam, ha nem volt még. Az USA-ban nemrég engedélyezték a pooling-ot, max 4 mintával.

Jul 25, 2020, 6:21:31 PM7/25/20
to Suppress19
Géza, köszi!

egy jó összefoglaló cikk, Viki gyűjtése:

az NGS-re épülő megoldás nekem nagyon tetszik, szerintem kiemelkedő ötlet!

még egy cikk, fejlemények Pusiéknál: 

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Aug 23, 2020, 3:53:13 AM8/23/20
to Suppress19
az iteratív+kevésbé pontos teszt mint járványkezelési módszer téma a Scientific American-ben.

"When they are used frequently during this period of infectivity, Mina believes their sensitivity and performance would far exceed that of a single PCR test. At any rate, Mina and his colleagues have demonstrated in their statistical models that public health surveillance depends much more on frequency of testing and rapid reporting of results than it does on the comparative sensitivity of the tests themselves."

és hogy szerintük miért nincsenek papírcsíkos antigén tesztek a boltokban:

"But the bigger problem may be finding the tests at all. Why haven’t we seen them in the drug stores? The answer is that the FDA is holding developers of these tests, like E25Bio, to the same high sensitivity standards as those required for molecular grade diagnostics. Without being granted an EUA, the companies are not manufacturing the tests. Mina and others argue that a paradigm shift is needed, so that rapid antigen tests are recognized as a “public health tool," which when combined with frequent use, will identify infectious individuals."

Aug 27, 2020, 3:55:33 PM8/27/20
to Suppress19

Sep 6, 2020, 6:21:05 PM9/6/20
to Suppress19

Sep 19, 2020, 9:29:10 PM9/19/20
to Suppress19
lassan őrölnek a malmok:

September 17, 2020: "Rapid 90-minute COVID-19 test shown to be highly accurate"
"A 90-minute COVID-19 test has been shown to have over 94 percent sensitivity, and 100 percent specificity in a new study.
Testing for this study took place between 10th April and 12th May at three NHS sites: St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London;"

Sep 28, 2020, 4:14:31 PM9/28/20
to Suppress19

"The $5 (£3.80) test could transform tracking of Covid-19 in less wealthy countries, which have shortages of healthcare workers and laboratories.

A deal with manufacturers will provide 120 million tests over six months.

The WHO's head called it a major milestone.

Lengthy gaps between taking a test and receiving a result have hampered many countries' attempts to control the spread of coronavirus.

In some countries with high infection rates, including India and Mexico, experts have said that low testing rates are disguising the true spread of their outbreaks.

The "new, highly portable and easy-to-use test" will provide results in 15-30 minutes instead of hours or days, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference on Monday.

Drugs manufacturers Abbott and SD Biosensor have agreed with the charitable Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to produce 120 million of the tests, Dr Tedros explained.

The deal covers 133 countries, including many in Latin America which is currently the region hardest-hit by the pandemic in terms of fatality and infection rates."

Oct 3, 2020, 8:10:14 PM10/3/20
to Suppress19

Oct 6, 2020, 8:33:38 AM10/6/20
to Suppress19

Steinbach Gabor

Oct 6, 2020, 8:55:49 AM10/6/20

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Meszéna Géza

Oct 20, 2020, 1:41:15 AM10/20/20
to suppress-covid19
Ha jól értem az alábbi cikket, Szlovákiában mindenkit letesztelnek gyorsteszttel. Tudtok erről valami szakmaibbat?

Erik Muller

Oct 29, 2020, 7:51:18 AM10/29/20
to suppress-covid19

Nov 4, 2020, 3:56:55 PM11/4/20
to Suppress19
brit tömeges tesztelés főpróba: liverpool:

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Nov 6, 2020, 2:36:37 PM11/6/20
to Suppress19

Nov 8, 2020, 6:49:29 PM11/8/20
to Suppress19
na ez kemény:

"Slovakia and Chinese cities including Wuhan have already demonstrated that it is possible to conduct such mass testing. It will have little impact on the spread of the virus, however, if those who test positive do not isolate themselves. The rate at which people who test positive isolate in England is as low as 20%."

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020, 20:36 <> wrote:

Szollosi Melinda

Nov 9, 2020, 3:59:25 AM11/9/20
to suppress-covid19
a szlovákok intézkedései, amik ezt célozzák, jónak tűntek, nem tudom, most milyen eredményesek ebben

Szollosi Melinda

Nov 10, 2020, 7:01:49 AM11/10/20
to suppress-covid19

Nov 12, 2020, 5:21:08 PM11/12/20
to Suppress19
"The data from this large study indicates that in order to curtail coronavirus transmission in group settings and prevent spill-over to the wider community, we need to establish widespread initial and repeated surveillance testing of all individuals regardless of symptoms."

Szollosi Melinda

Nov 18, 2020, 6:48:33 AM11/18/20
to suppress-covid19

Dec 1, 2020, 4:11:07 PM12/1/20
to Suppress19

Dec 9, 2020, 6:29:12 PM12/9/20
to Suppress19

Feb 4, 2021, 5:45:28 PM2/4/21
to Suppress19
alapvetően a britek (főleg anglia) tolják a tömeges tesztelést, vitáznak is róla:
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