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SCB / Big Chief :)

Apr 3, 2016, 12:28:01 AM4/3/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
Due to some unexpected family issues I'm not going to be able to devote time to maintaining everything. In the next few days I'm going to be closing this forum. 

There are also some changes coming to PICASA that are going to affect every photo I have uploaded on the blog. I have been trying to confirm exactly what is going to happen, but no-one is willing to say. If, as many suspect, all linked content will fail, I can not go back and reupload years worth of photos. 

So I don't know what is going to happen. 

I will leave it up and the music site up. I don't want fans to lose that content.


Apr 3, 2016, 3:28:48 AM4/3/16
Sorry to hear there are family issues. Hope all will be fine soon.

Sorry to hear that as well you are closing this forum. Thank you for all the updates, links and foto's you shared with us. I enjoyed them very much and they will be missed but family does come first,  hope to see or hear from you again.

Peace, love and harmony, Annet


Apr 4, 2016, 2:03:33 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
sorry to ask but is it really necessary to close the forum?

SCB / Big Chief :)

Apr 4, 2016, 2:41:13 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
Thanks Annet I appreciate it. 


Apr 4, 2016, 2:46:45 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
you are welcome :-)

SCB / Big Chief :)

Apr 4, 2016, 2:51:49 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group

On Monday, April 4, 2016 at 8:03:33 PM UTC+2, Annet wrote:
sorry to ask but is it really necessary to close the forum?

Well it isn't exactly the hub of activity, but if someone wants to take it over and run it I wouldn't be adverse to discussing that option. However the way I see it - everyone has moved on to social media platforms and forums have kind of died. I was hoping this would develop into a safe place for fans to actually talk about things as I don't think that social media invite discussions. Comments thrown out into cyberspace aren't discussions in my opinion. Even less so is clicking a like or a heart button in place of any comment at all. But that hasn't happened and I kind of think this is an experiment that isn't working that well. 

I have huge changes happening in my life at the moment, and I will not have time for anything on the net for several months, if I even have an internet connection. 

Then with the changes in PICASA which my gut is telling me is going to mess up all linked images when it migrates fully to Google photo albums the blog is going to die. I simply can not go back and redo 7 years worth of photos on nearly 3000 blog posts. Bloggers are screaming at Google about it, but there is no response, and in all the history of the internet linked content has never migrated to a new service and preserved the links.

So with all those factors in mind it just seems the right time to call it a day.  


Apr 4, 2016, 2:51:59 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
So sorry to hear about your family situation......I hope it all sorts itself out for you.

I was wondering about the Jackie Chan Diaries...... will they remain accessible to us, do you know? They are a really valuable and irreplaceable source for all Jackie Chan fans, and I would hate to lose them.

Do you think we should make our own copies to safeguard them?

Best Wishes


SCB / Big Chief :)

Apr 4, 2016, 2:59:59 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
Download them and keep them. If the links don't work I can reupload / renew them. 

Thank you for the good wishes. I'm sure it will in the end. It always does. Somehow, even if it isn't always exactly how you hope or expect. 


Apr 4, 2016, 4:31:57 PM4/4/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
Hello again....just wanted to say a big 'Thank you' for everything, especially the Jackie songs resource. It's really important, I think, since a lot of people don't realise what a prolific singer Jackie has been.

Do you know if the blog will continue in its present form? I guess the forum and blog are linked in some way, but I might be wrong.




Apr 5, 2016, 3:23:00 AM4/5/16
I know. I just think it is sad to loose all those data. Most foto's and links posted here and on the blog were very difficult to find and didn't show up on the social media (or only after posted here). I think I was one of the few who actually checked daily.  And yes these comments and discussion were nice comments and discussions not the kind you see on social media.

I can understand it can be very frustrating that your hard work can be gone in the blink of an eye. I can only hope that it can be viewed still and all the hard work is saved, fingers crossed.

I don't have the time either to maintain such sites.

So all I can say, again, is thank you for your dedication and work on the forum and blog. I really enjoyed it and I do hope it will not be as bad as feared and see you again here some day.


Apr 5, 2016, 9:28:40 AM4/5/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
untill when will you leave this forum up? there is sooooo much to read through and copy and save.

SCB / Big Chief :)

Apr 5, 2016, 11:00:43 AM4/5/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
I'm not sure. This was just a heads up to say this is what is happening. I'll give it a reasonable amount of time.

There are ways to convert a blog to a pdf doc but the free options will only go back a year or so. I'm looking to see if I can find another way of doing it. 

SCB / Big Chief :)

May 28, 2016, 11:53:09 PM5/28/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
In case you haven't noticed and I'm sure you have I have not been finding time to keep up with the news. I have a page on FB which I've been using to post quick links - mostly the kind of stuff that is interesting but isn't right for the blog for various reasons, but it is quick to post and I find I can do that rather than the rather lengthy process of posting on the blog. I know it is not ideal but I can't make more time in the day and I'm getting busier and busier. 


May 29, 2016, 3:14:01 AM5/29/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group
I had noticed it and you already said that you would stop. So I am glad you are posting.

Didn't you had a fb site. I have likedit and will messages from it. Thank you.

SCB / Big Chief :)

May 29, 2016, 5:03:23 AM5/29/16
to SuperChan Blog's Jackie Chan Discussion Group

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