I am not sure just how much you're looking for... as it is more about learning SQLite than anything else.
All of the commands and functions are available via the shell in MacOS, and hence available using SuperCard's shell function. Some example handlers include...
-- 1.) Setting the database file:
on SetDatabase
global gDatabase, theID
put "Stuff:File Server:registrations.db" into gDatabase
if not exists(file,gDatabase) then
alert sheet stop "The Database Was Not Found" explain gDatabase
exit to SuperCard
end if
put replace(hfsToPosix(gDatabase),space,"\ ") into gDatabase
put false into theID
end SetDatabase
--2.) Searching the database based on variable fields with results put into a list:
function DBglobalSearch theString
set the hilitedlines of cd fld 2 to empty
global gDatabase, gSearchResults
get merge("sqlite3 [[gDatabase]] 'SELECT RecordID,FirstName,LastName,Email FROM SuperCard WHERE LastName LIKE `%[[theString]]%` OR Email LIKE `%[[theString]]%` OR Company LIKE `%[[theString]]%` OR RegistrationNumbers LIKE `%[[theString]]%` ORDER by LastName COLLATE NOCASE ASC;'")
get shell(it)
put it into gSearchResults
set the itemdel to "|"
repeat with L=1 to the number of lines of it
delete item 1 of line L of it
end repeat
get replace(it,numtochar(124),space)
put unescapeQuotes(it) into cd fld 2
end DBglobalSearch
--3.) Loading a record from search results:
on getRecord tLineNumber
global gDatabase, gSearchResults,theID
set the itemdel to "|"
get item 1 of line tLineNumber of gSearchResults
get merge("sqlite3 [[gDatabase]] 'SELECT * FROM SuperCard WHERE RecordID = `[[it]]`;'")
get shell(it)
put unescapeQuotes(it) into it
put item 1 of it into theID
put item 2 of it into cd fld "DateCreated"
put item 3 of it into cd fld "DateModified"
put item 4 of it into cd fld "Email"
put item 5 of it into cd fld "Sal"
put item 6 of it into cd fld "FirstName"
put item 7 of it into cd fld "LastName"
put item 8 of it into cd fld "Title"
put item 9 of it into cd fld "Company"
put item 10 of it into cd fld "Address1"
put item 11 of it into cd fld "Address2"
put item 12 of it into cd fld "City"
put item 13 of it into cd fld "State"
put item 14 of it into cd fld "Zip"
put item 15 of it into cd fld "Country"
put item 16 of it into cd fld "RegistrationNumbers"
put item 17 of it into cd fld "CurrentVersion"
put item 18 of it into cd fld "Use"
put item 19 of it into cd fld "Heard"
put item 20 of it into cd fld "Notes"
end getRecord
--4.) Saving changes to a record:
on SaveRecord
select empty
global gDatabase, theID
PUT cd fld "DateCreated" INTO tDateCreated
PUT today() INTO tDateModified
PUT cd fld "Email" INTO tEmail
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Sal") INTO tSal
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "FirstName") INTO tFirstName
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "LastName") INTO tLastName
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Title") INTO tTitle
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Company") INTO tCompany
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Address1") INTO tAddress1
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Address2") INTO tAddress2
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "City") INTO tCity
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "State") INTO tState
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Zip") INTO tZip
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Country") INTO tCountry
PUT cd fld "RegistrationNumbers" INTO tRegistrationNumbers
PUT cd fld "CurrentVersion" INTO tCurrentVersion
PUT cd fld "Use" INTO tUse
PUT cd fld "Heard" INTO tHeard
PUT escapeQuotes(cd fld "Notes") INTO tNotes
if theID is false then
-- set up to save new record
PUT today() INTO tDateCreated
put the seconds into theID
get merge("sqlite3 [[gDatabase]] 'INSERT INTO SuperCard VALUES (`[[theID]]`,`[[tDateCreated]]`,`[[tDateModified]]`,`[[tEmail]]`,`[[tSal]]`,`[[tFirstName]]`,`[[tLastName]]`,"&¬
get shell(it)
-- append existing record
get merge("sqlite3 [[gDatabase]] 'UPDATE SuperCard SET DateModified = `[[tDateModified]]`, Email = `[[tEmail]]`, Sal = `[[tSal]]`, FirstName = `[[tFirstName]]`, LastName = `[[tLastName]]`,"&¬
"Title = `[[tTitle]]`, Company = `[[tCompany]]`, Address1 = `[[tAddress1]]`, Address2 = `[[tAddress2]]`, City = `[[tCity]]`, State = `[[tState]]`, Zip = `[[tZip]]`,"&¬
"Country = `[[tCountry]]`, RegistrationNumbers = `[[tRegistrationNumbers]]`, CurrentVersion = `[[tCurrentVersion]]`, Use = `[[tUse]]`, Heard = `[[tHeard]]`, Notes = `[[tNotes]]` WHERE RecordID = `[[theID]]`;'")
get shell(it)
end if
set the modified of this wd to false
end SaveRecord
Other functions such as creating new or deleting existing records are much simpler.
It is a bit verbose (and I am sure Mark could streamline it a fair bit, which would most likely make it less readable to me), but once you familiarize yourself with SQLite it is pretty simple.