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RegEX with MacOS Tiger - Part II

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Mar 10, 2022, 8:42:39 PM3/10/22
to SuperCard Discussion
Le 09-mars-2022 à 23:28:19, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Could you post some examples of the expressions you're going to use?

Hello Mark, after consulting my notes, I found that we have already looked at this issue for which you provided a solution in this tread: 

Afterward, testing the project under MacOS Tiger, I ran in this issue:

It seems that from there, there would be three possible paths for a solution:

1- Upgrade the version of Bash in MacOS Tiger to Bash 3 with HomeBrew.
2- Find an xfcn that would emulate Bash 3.
3- Write a SuperTalk script to emulate the task described in the first thread.

These RegEX are legacy for more than 30 years ago, the condition was updated in 2018 with your unix proposal and they still play an essential part in my project. The exact functionality is a little bit far in my memory, I'll have to give a deeper look to see for the feasibility of solution 3!

Your advices are always appreciated as ever!

Many thanks 

André Tremblay


Mar 10, 2022, 10:24:58 PM3/10/22
to via SuperCard Discussion
If just keeping your ducks in a row across machines is the goal here then there's probably a simpler fourth option provided you're running a standalone, which is to copy that updated bash 3.x binary into your Contents/Resources folder and then call it directly from there:

return unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", regex)


André Tremblay

Mar 11, 2022, 5:00:02 PM3/11/22
to 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion

Le 10-mars-2022 à 22:24:54, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

If just keeping your ducks in a row across machines is the goal

Yes! Exactly!

The sweet smell of success, or almost!

I've modified your script as: 

function RegMatch  -- RegMatch(inText,inExpr) -- Mark Lucas -- 20220311 20180604 
   -- Retourne deux lignes: 1- Boléen si l'évaluation RegEx retourne un résultat, 2- Le résultat évalué selon RegEx
   local inText=param(1),inExpr=param(2) -- ∆∆ Attention nécessite Bash version 3 
   local leftBraces = "[[", rightBraces = "]]", RegEX = merge("txt=`[[inText]]`;RegEX=`[[inExpr]]`;if [[leftBraces]] `$txt` =~ $RegEX [[rightBraces]];then echo `TRUE[[cr]]`$BASH_REMATCH;else echo `FALSE`;fi")
   if the environment contains "Standalone" then return unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", RegEX) -- 20220311
   else return unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", RegEX) -- OR systemVersion(long)
end RegMatch

I've located a 'bash' document at </bin>, the first time from a MacPro Intel MacOS Mojave, the second time from a MacMini Intel MacOS Snow Leopard and produce two standalone. After testing they work fine on Intel Mac, but on Mac G4 PPC the function:

unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", RegEX) 

Is returning 'EMPTY', I suspect I need to locate a Universal UNIX 'bash' file, at least version 3, that is compatible with MacOS Tiger on a Mac Mini G4 PPC.

I'm scratching my head for this, anyone with a tip is welcome!

Thanks a lot!



Mar 11, 2022, 6:12:30 PM3/11/22
to via SuperCard Discussion
Yeah the one you've got now is likely x86_64 only (you can check with bash —version). Even if you can't locate or compile a Universal binary, I'm pretty sure you can find 3.2.8 x86 and PPC already compiled online somewhere. Then you either could use:

lipo -create -output universal_app x86_app ppc_app

to build your own Universal, or just include both and use /usr/bin/arch to see which you should call...


André Tremblay

Mar 14, 2022, 9:24:33 PM3/14/22
Hello Mark, 

The devil is probably hiding behind the details!

I was able to locate a MacPro G5 with a working MacOS X 10.5.8 Leopard. 

Interrogating 'Terminal' on this computer, I'm getting these results:

bash --version 

GNU bash, version 3.2.17(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin9.0)

At </bin> on this computer I was able to copy the 'bash' for further use with "HyperCard" to built a standalone with the "MacOS X Tiger" option.

On a Mac Mini G4 running MacOS X 10.4.6 Tiger, when I launch the new standalone, I am getting those result form the "message box":

unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", "bash --version"

unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", "echo ${BASH_VERSION}") 

unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", "echo ${BASH_VERSION}") 
-> 2.05b.0(1)-release

unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", "bash --version")
-> GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin8.0) 

Now the same series of tests on a MacPro 2013, running MacOS X 10.14.6:

unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", "bash --version"
-> GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18)

unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", "echo ${BASH_VERSION}") 
-> 3.2.17(1)-release

unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", "echo ${BASH_VERSION}") 
-> 3.2.57(1)-release

unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", "bash --version")
-> GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18) 


My understanding of those tests is that the added 'Ressources' 'bash' is not responding when called, in the case of the PPC Mac G4 the result returned is 'EMPTY' and in the case of the MacPro Intel, probably because the added 'bash' file isn't 'universal', the unixTask() function is reverting to the system installed 'bash' file at </bin>

With the standalone, if I am testing the :

function RegMatch  -- RegMatch(inText,inExpr) -- Mark Lucas -- 20220311 20180604 
   -- Retourne deux lignes: 1- Boléen si l'évaluation RegEx retourne un résultat, 2- Le résultat évalué selon RegEx
   local inText=param(1),inExpr=param(2) -- ∆∆ Attention nécessite Bash version 3 
   local leftBraces = "[[", rightBraces = "]]", RegEX = merge("txt=`[[inText]]`;RegEX=`[[inExpr]]`;if [[leftBraces]] `$txt` =~ $RegEX [[rightBraces]];then echo `TRUE[[cr]]`$BASH_REMATCH;else echo `FALSE`;fi")
   if the environment contains "Standalone" then return unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", RegEX) -- 20220311
   else return unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", RegEX) -- systemVersion(long)
end RegMatch

I am getting the right result with the MacPro Intel Mojave and I am getting 'EMPTY' on the Mac  Mini G4 Tiger. 

On the Mac Mini G4 Tiger calling the same function with the 'bash' version 2.05, I am getting this error:

Error in input. Never head of that handler. 


Le 11-mars-2022 à 18:12:23, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Yeah the one you've got now is likely x86_64 only (you can check with bash —version). Even if you can't locate or compile a Universal binary, I'm pretty sure you can find 3.2.8 x86 and PPC already compiled online somewhere.

For the time being I wasn't able to locate an universal copy of 'bash' 3, but I am still looking!

Then you either could use:

lipo -create -output universal_app x86_app ppc_app

to build your own Universal, or just include both and use /usr/bin/arch to see which you should call...

At this point this is over my competence, as when using that line in 'Terminal', I am getting this error:

fatal error: /Applications/ can't open input file: x86_app (No such file or directory)

I have xCode 11.3.1 installed.

I am also going the work further on this!


Meanwhile, any clue will be welcome!

Many thanks


André Tremblay

Mar 14, 2022, 10:45:32 PM3/14/22
Le 14-mars-2022 à 21:24:25, André Tremblay <> a écrit :

At </bin> on this computer I was able to copy the 'bash' for further use with "HyperCard" to built a standalone with the "MacOS X Tiger" option.

To avoid unnecessary confusion, in the previous post, I obviously meant the "Standalone" to build to standalone. 



Mar 14, 2022, 11:53:14 PM3/14/22
to via SuperCard Discussion
So is this two copies of the same standalone running on both machines, or two separate standalones built in each OS?

Check the bash file in Contents:Resources on the Mini and make sure it's got execute permission, and if it does drag it into the Terminal then add —version and run it.

FWIW my recollection is that unixTask doesn't search $PATH for a command if it's not at the specified location, so the idea that you're somehow 'falling through' to the OS installed version on the Mac Pro when it can't locate a suitable executable at the specified path doesn't sound right.



Mar 15, 2022, 12:02:22 AM3/15/22
to via SuperCard Discussion
You should probably also try passing the standalone's copy of bash to the file command in the Terminal.


André Tremblay

Mar 15, 2022, 10:52:01 AM3/15/22
Hello Mark, 

Le 14-mars-2022 à 23:53:05, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Thanks for the follow-up!

So is this two copies of the same standalone running on both machines, or two separate standalones built in each OS?

The same standalone, built with the 'Properties' tab option set to "MacOS 10.4 : Tiger" for the "Minimum Mac OS X Version".

You should probably also try passing the standalone's copy of bash to the file command in the Terminal.

In 'Terminal' checking 'bash' of the standalone with the 'file' command, I am getting those results:

- Mac Mini G4 OSX Tiger 10.4.11:
/Applications/SuperTiger Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/Applications/SuperTiger (for architecture i386):Mach-O executable i386
/Applications/SuperTiger (for architecture ppc7400):      Mach-O executable ppc

- MacPro G5 OSX Leopard 10.5.8:
/Users/jay/Desktop/SuperTiger Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/Users/jay/Desktop/SuperTiger (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
/Users/jay/Desktop/SuperTiger (for architecture ppc7400): Mach-O executable ppc

- MacPro 2013 Intel OSX 10.14.6:
/Users/Shared/SuperDev/Distribution/SuperTiger Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [i386:Mach-O executable i386] [ppc_7400:Mach-O executable ppc_7400]
/Users/Shared/SuperDev/Distribution/SuperTiger (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
/Users/Shared/SuperDev/Distribution/SuperTiger (for architecture ppc7400): Mach-O executable ppc_7400

Check the bash file in Contents:Resources on the Mini and make sure it's got execute permission, and if it does drag it into the Terminal then add —version and run it.

In 'Terminal' checking the pathname of 'bash' of the standalone with ' --version' , I am getting those results:

- Mac Mini G4 OSX Tiger 10.4.11:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/SuperTiger
  Reason: Incompatible library version: bash requires version 7.0.0 or later, but libiconv.2.dylib provides version 5.0.0
Trace/BPT trap

- MacPro G5 OSX Leopard 10.5.8:
GNU bash, version 3.2.17(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin9.0)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

- MacPro 2013 Intel OSX 10.14.6:
GNU bash, version 3.2.17(1)-release (i386-apple-darwin9.0)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


From the MacPro G5 PPC, the source of the 'bash' file, I can locate the 'libiconv.2.dylib' file. 

FWIW my recollection is that unixTask doesn't search $PATH for a command if it's not at the specified location, so the idea that you're somehow 'falling through' to the OS installed version on the Mac Pro when it can't locate a suitable executable at the specified path doesn't sound right.

You're right! The above results seems to show the hiccup is with the 'libiconv.2.dylib' file on the Mac Mini G4 OSX Tiger.

If it may help, in 'Terminal' checking 'libiconv.2.dylib' with the 'file' command, I am getting those results:

- Mac Mini G4 OSX Tiger 10.4.11:
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib: Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc

- MacPro G5 OSX Leopard 10.5.8:
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib: Mach-O universal binary with 4 architectures
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (for architecture ppc7400): Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (for architecture ppc64): Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library ppc64
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (for architecture i386): Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64





Mar 15, 2022, 12:31:22 PM3/15/22
to via SuperCard Discussion

On Mar 15, 2022, at 10:51 AM, André Tremblay <> wrote:

You're right! The above results seems to show the hiccup is with the 'libiconv.2.dylib' file on the Mac Mini G4 OSX Tiger.

D-OH! Yes, of course, my bad…

Unfortunately Mac OS doesn't officially support statically linked binaries either (though in some cases they may work if there aren't secondary dependencies) so I don't think you can just recompile v3.2 using CFLAGS=-static to obtain a standalone bash binary the way you could on Linux.



André Tremblay

Mar 15, 2022, 5:18:48 PM3/15/22
Hello Mark, 

Le 15-mars-2022 à 12:31:18, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :


Would you think there is some hope?

Or should I reconsider trying to upgrade 'bash' on MacOS X Tiger with 'Homebrew'?

Or should I try emulate RegEX with a SuperTalk function?

In this particular case to goal would be to emulate this existing function, which is by itself an emulation of a legacy HyperCard XCFN called "RegMatch(Target,RegExpr)", which actually stand as:

function RegMatch -- RegMatch(inText,inExpr) -- Mark Lucas -- 20220311 20180604 
   -- Returns TWO lines: 1- Bolean for a successful RegEX evaluation, 2- The result of the RegEX evaluation
   local inText=param(1),inExpr=param(2) -- ∆∆ Attention it need Bash version 3 
   local leftBraces = "[[", rightBraces = "]]", RegEX = merge("txt=`[[inText]]`;RegEX=`[[inExpr]]`;if [[leftBraces]] `$txt` =~ $RegEX [[rightBraces]];then echo `TRUE[[cr]]`$BASH_REMATCH;else echo `FALSE`;fi")
   if the environment contains "Standalone" then return unixTask("", hfsToPosix(the application & "Contents:Resources:bash"), "-c", RegEX) -- 20220311
   else return unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", RegEX) -- OR systemVersion()
end RegMatch 

If I remember well, it's the introduction of the '=~' that made the break with 'bash' 2.

Here is a practical example with test values:


inText="AA 1234 56A"
inExpr ="^(A|AA|B|BA|BC|BO|BR|C|CR|CM|CO|DA|DN|DM|DO|EO|EP|EQ|ER|ES|ET|EX|HT|ST|ZT) +[0-9]+ ?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[ABCDEFGHIJKL]?"

For this example the returned result would be on two lines: 

AA 1234 56A


In my case the above inExpr is the most widely used in the project, if not exclusively and plays a fundamental role. 
I'm almost sure it can be emulated with SuperTalk scripting! 

Best regards



Mar 15, 2022, 11:51:52 PM3/15/22
to via SuperCard Discussion
Under the circumstances that would seem the path of least resistance…


André Tremblay

Mar 16, 2022, 9:46:02 AM3/16/22
to 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion
Hello Mark,

Le 15-mars-2022 à 23:51:46, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Under the circumstances that would seem the path of least resistance…

Before, trying this, I wonder if it is possible to avoid using the expression '=~' inside the 'unixTask()' call of the RegMatch(inText,inExpr) function? This seems to be the main issue with 'bash' 2!

The internal condition may be also removed, just to get a plain RegEX evaluation that would be compatible with 'bash' 2? I can probably manage this change easily!

Because of my inexperience on this, I am struggling to make a simple RegEX evaluation with 'unixTask()' and get the result of the '$BASH_REMATCH' variable! Is it possible?

I have about a half dozen of computers running MacOS X Tiger that are attached to legacy film scanners, the use of the application of those desktops will be more limited, but essential, as it will allow the consultation of the catalogs while the technician is scanning the original material. 

Also, as those Tiger desktops also run 'Classic', it will allow the incredible feat to be able to open at the same time the “modern” SuperCard version of the project while having the legacy HyperCard stacks present!

An incredible feat that is nothing short than a “miracle” these days, it will be an invaluable reference for the future development of the SuperCard projects and a valuable tools when in need to consult archival data in HC while having the “new” set of data in the current SC project. 

Many thanks for your support,

Message has been deleted

André Tremblay

Mar 20, 2022, 10:25:01 PM3/20/22
to 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion
Hello Mark,

Le 15-mars-2022 à 23:51:46, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Under the circumstances that would seem the path of least resistance…

... which doesn't mean the absence of resistance, in my case the simple fact of reconstituting a bootable FireWire 400 compatible external volume for testing on a Mac Mini G4 took a few days and numerous visits to the Mac museum to gather legacy testing parts. The mini desktops being production computers, I couldn't take risk. 

To be able to upgrade 'bash' on a MacOS X Tiger on a PPC Mac with 'Homebrew', I followed these steps:

- Installed "Xcode 2.5 Developer Tools" on the external start-up volume of the Mac Mini G4.

- Installed 'Tigerbrew', the “little experimental fork of Homebrew that adds support for PowerPC Macs, and Macs running Tiger (or Leopard)” by Misty De Meo. In 'Terminal':
ruby /Volumes/<Posix path>/install

- After the 'TigerBrew' installation, while in 'Terminal', I also performed:

export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
brew doctor
brew install curl
brew install git

- When all these done, it was finally the moment to upgrade 'bash' with 'Terminal':

brew install bash
On completion, on interrogating 'Terminal':

MiniCoolA:~ minicoola$ /usr/local/bin/bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.0(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0)
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

- and - 

MiniCoolA:~ minicoola$ /bin/bash --version
GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin8.0)
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Homebrew having installed the new version 4.4.1 of 'bash' at a new location, in 'Terminal", I am getting:

MiniCoolA:~ minicoola$ file /bin/bash
/bin/bash: Mach-O executable ppc

MiniCoolA:~ minicoola$ file /usr/local/bin/bash
/usr/local/bin/bash: symbolic link to `../Cellar/bash/4.4_1/bin/bash'

Also in "Terminal', about the 'PATH' variable:

MiniCoolA:~ minicoola$ echo $PATH

For the purpose of testing the standalone on the PPC Mac Mini, I've modified the SuperTalk script to:

function RegMatch  -- RegMatch(inText,inExpr) -- Mark Lucas -- 20220311 20180604 
    -- Retourne deux lignes: 1- Boléen si l'évaluation RegEx retourne un résultat, 2- Le résultat évalué selon RegEx
    local inText=param(1),inExpr=param(2) -- ∆∆ Attention nécessite Bash version 3 
    local leftBraces = "[[", rightBraces = "]]", RegEX = merge("txt=`[[inText]]`;RegEX=`[[inExpr]]`;if [[leftBraces]] `$txt` =~ $RegEX [[rightBraces]];then echo `TRUE[[cr]]`$BASH_REMATCH;else echo `FALSE`;fi")
    if systemVersion()<10.5 then return unixTask("", "/usr/local/bin/bash", "-c", RegEX)
    else return unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", RegEX)
end RegMatch

Et voilà! It's working! Once more I have tears in my eye seing the SuperCard standalone working beside the legacy HyperCard, more importantly, these computers will be able to access the new features of the SuperCard project with the latest data. 


This raise another question, before finalizing this installation and spreading it to the other computers, how should I deal with these multiple 'bash' locations? 

May I have your opinion on this?

- Should I leave it the way it is presented above?
- Is there a universal way to call for 'bash' to get the latest version, instead of "/usr/local/bin/bash" with 'unixTask()
- Should I modify the installation of 'bash' to have a symbolic link in </bin/> to the new 'bash' location?


André Tremblay

Mar 25, 2022, 10:00:59 PM3/25/22
to 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion
Le 15-mars-2022 à 23:51:46, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Under the circumstances that would seem the path of least resistance…

Le 20-mars-2022 à 22:24:50, André Tremblay <> a écrit :

This raise another question, before finalizing this installation and spreading it to the other computers, how should I deal with these multiple 'bash' locations? 

I suppose the same wisdom should be applied to this second question!

After a few days of testing with the original Homebrew 'bash' installation, I should report that the MacOS X Tiger standalone is just working as the Intel version on the other MacOS X systems up to Mojave. The only drawback is the break-up of capability of EPPC AppleEvents communication between 'Tiger' and system versions after MacOS X 10.11 El Capitan. In the case of this project that means that the SuperCard projects have to be accessible with an AFP or SMB protocol over a network. Which is not a problem as this SuperCard project standalone can work with EPPC only communication or with local or networked SC projects. 

Which bring another issue about the right protocol to “how to open and close SC projects”; as the computer running the standalone in the case of local or networked access, seems to “grab” the SC projects with no easy way to have the computer to release it? 
I'll bring this topic later, if necessary, with more informations.


The following may be of interest for SuperCarders that are going along the same path, here are further observations about the Homebrew 'bash' installation. 

While doing the testing I wondered if there was a path of even lesser resistance, by putting a copy of the Homebrew generated 'bash', renamed for the purpose as 'bash4' into the original Mac system folder </bin/>. After doing so, I modified the SC unixTask function as follow:

if systemVersion()<10.5 then return unixTask("", "/bin/bash4", "-c", RegEX) else return unixTask("", "/bin/bash", "-c", RegEX)

To my delighted surprise, it's working very well, also when called from 'Terminal', I am getting this result:

MiniCoolA:~ minicoola$  /bin/bash4 --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.0(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0)
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

To be sure, as the testing computer is the Mac PPC Mini G4 on which the Homebrew installation was performed, I tried the same procedure on another Mac Mini G4 that was untouched by simply copying the 'bash4' document into its </bin> folder and doing the same SuperTalk change to the unixTask function. 
Again success! It's working perfectly when invoked to resolve the new RegEX expression that needs 'bash' version 3 or higher. 

The next experiment was to try the same procedure with the 'bash' document extracted from a Mac PPC G5 MacOS X 10.5 with a 'bash' version 3.2.17. This time I got the same orignal error as previously reported on this thread. 

And while trying to import the “new” Homebrew 'bash' version 4.4.0 into the standalone with the 'Standalone Maker' application, on testing I also got the same error as previously reported. 

The conclusion is that the new Homebrew 'bash' renamed for this purpose 'bash4' when copied into the original </bin/> folder along side the original 'bash' document is working perfectly well when called with the path name </bin/bash4> from the unixTask function! 
It'S simple as copying a 1000k document into a folder!

Is that too simple to be true? Is the new Homebrew 'bash' has some sort of a magic sauce? 
If so, it will easy to make all the PPC Macs running 'Tiger' to be compatible with RegEX that needs 'bash' version 3 or higher!

Maybe someone with more knowledge on this topic may offer answers to these questions?



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