As for a warning message that would certainly be POSSIBLE, but alas it's not likely to happen. The reason is it would give someone trying to crack the expiration a hopelessly obvious place to start looking.All SC betas have a global property called the expirationDate though, which you can (and probably should) inspect when you install them so you know when their rendezvous with the reaper is scheduled to happen. If this is really a problem for you it also wouldn't be hard to add a little script to your sharedFile which reminded you each launch how long you had until it expired...-Mark
Anyone would have a suggestion to integrate it in a project that would be compatible with SuperCard Beta, SuperCard Suite and also SuperCard Player?
on testExpiration
get the expirationDate
if it = "Never" then exit script
convert it to seconds
subtract the seconds from it
local secsPerDay = 24 * 3600
if it < secsPerDay then alert caution "This beta is about to expire!" explain "It will stop working on" && the expirationDate
else put merge("This beta expires in [[it div secsPerDay]] days (on [[the expirationDate]])")
end testExpiration
if it = "Never" then exit script