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Some issues about multicolumn-ed fields

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Jun 4, 2018, 2:10:37 PM6/4/18
to SuperCard Discussion
A new feature, multiColumn of list field, seems to have some issues. Is there a person experiencing same issues?

[1] The value of hilitedCells may be incorrect.

[2] When the content of a multicolumn-ed field is just one line, the data isn't visible.

[3] A command "set the scroll" has no effect.


Jun 4, 2018, 9:35:51 PM6/4/18
to SuperCard Discussion
One more issue.

[4] cell() function causes an error.


Jun 5, 2018, 3:22:35 PM6/5/18
to SuperCard Discussion
I am seeing 1 and 2 here, but in #4 1,1 is a string and not a number so it should be quoted ("1,1").


Jun 6, 2018, 7:40:08 AM6/6/18
to SuperCard Discussion

Oh, I see. The parameter must be string. Then, the description of SLG is incorrect, isn't it?

When you want to get the content of the cell one below and one right a clicked cell (e.g. 2,3), ‏you can write as:

cell("2+1,3+1") of cd fld 1


cell(2+1 &","& 3+1) of  cd fld 1

The parameter must be string, but each item of the parameter are processed as number. This rule seems to be rather against intuitiveness. Is there any other word acting in the same way in SuperTalk?


Jun 6, 2018, 9:22:08 AM6/6/18

On Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 4:40:08 AM UTC-7, komouton wrote:

Oh, I see. The parameter must be string. Then, the description of SLG is incorrect, isn't it?

Yup. I'll have to update that

Is there any other word acting in the same way in SuperTalk?

SuperTalk tries it's best to know what you're handing it. If it is a number or a variable its a no brainer, but for literals, it pays to quote them to avoid script errors.

While something like 'go card start of window race' will work, 'go card start race of window race track' won't. So it is always best to:

go card "start" of window "race"
go card "start race" of window "race track"

In your example consider using a variable for the cell reference and adding 1 to item 1 and/or 2 of it.
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