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Clipboard transfert - Parallels adventures

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Collection PhotoGraphex

Mar 8, 2023, 9:25:32 PM3/8/23
to SuperCard Discussion

I wonder if someone have the experience or a clue about this puzzling issue I am encountering during my first explorations with Parallels 18 with MacOS Monterey as the host and MacOS Mojave as the virtual machine?

In SuperCard, from a project in the application or from a standalone, when I do copy a text from a rectangle field or from the Script Editor, the copied text would not transfert properly to the clipboard of the host system.

Sometime, it would work for one word or two, but most of the time it doesn't.

The pasteboard of the virtual machine would show the right content with the mention 'Rich Text (RTF)', but the pasteboard of the host system is showing EMPTY with the mention 'text'. When it does work with SuperCard by transferring the content correctly, the mention is still showing 'text' instead of 'Rich Text (RTF)'.

When I do the same text with another application, for instance 'TextEdit', the clipboard seems to be transferred normally between the pasteboard of Host and Virtual systems.

A quick look to the Parallels Knowledge base is just returning results about Windows virtual machine.

Thanks for your help,


André Tremblay

Mar 9, 2023, 11:29:18 PM3/9/23
Follow-up 01 for the issue of the clipboard transfert between Host and Virtual machine with Parallels 18 MacOS Monterey

For the sake of clarification, my main goal is to be able to copy and paste text from SuperCard running in the Virtual machine to another application running in the Host machine. 

Trying to isolate this trouble as much as possible, I've made tests on different computers and different MacOS versions and configurations.

The results reported previously were obtained from a virtual machine running MacOS Mojave with a migration from a densely populated desktop MacPro 2013.

I may add those observations from today; 

With a virtual machine from a plain freshly installed MacOS Mojave with just a SuperCard standalone installed, I am getting the same incapacity to transfert the clipboard from Virtual to Host.

But, from Host to Virtual, the transfert happens normally, event with a more complex string of text. 

With a virtual machine from a plain freshly installed MacOS High Sierra with just a SuperCard standalone installed, I am getting the same incapacity to transfert the clipboard from Virtual to Host.

Differently than with Mojave, I am getting the same incapacity to transfert the clipboard from Host to Virtual. 

So far, it seems this behavior is happening only with SuperCard!


Can someone with SuperCard and a Parallels installation corroborate or dismiss the above observations? 

Maybe with other MacOS systems? 

Or provide a clue to fix it? 


Meanwhile, during this testing process I am given the occasion to explore the large amount of features of Parallels and the scope of possibility to run multiple systems simultaneously on one computer, it's like 3D chess playing! Also the documentation is rich, with a well attended forum in multiple languages.

I wonder, if there can be a piece of software that could be added, with just the necessary features, to the SuperCard application or a standalone, that would allow it to run seamlessly in the 64 bits environment? 

Why not?



André Tremblay

Mar 14, 2023, 10:13:07 PM3/14/23
to 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion
Hello Ronald,

Le 11-mars-2023 à 02:47:52, Ronald <> a écrit :

I have a stack which I run from within the SuperCard Run Time Editor. In other words it is not a standalone application. I can select the text from a plain text field on a card in the stack, select Copy from the SuperCard Edit menu, switch to BBEdit on the host Mac, and paste the text into a text file where it appears correctly. I can also type some text into the text file on the host Mac, select it, return to the card, click to place an insertion point at the end of the existing text, Select Paste from the SuperCard Edit menu, and the text is appended to the text in the field.

My host Mac is a 21" iMac running Monterey 12.6.3.
The OS of the virtual Mac is High Sierra 10.13.6
The version of Parallels is Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac Standard 18.2.0 (53488)
The version of SuperCard is 4.8.1

Sorry for the lateness of my reply, there are so many issues with those upgrades. 

Thanks for your clear and detailed report!


My setup is basically the same, latest version of Parallels and MacOS Monterey, except for using a beta of SuperCard 4.8.2.

To be real sure, I did a plain installation of MacOS Mojave and installed SuperCard 4.8.1.
I am getting the same issue with the clipboard.

To replicate your setup, I made a plain installation of MacOS High Sierra and installed SuperCard 4.8.1.
I am getting the same issue with the clipboard.


Can you confirm that you were copying and pasting several words or even several lines of text?
Is your text RTF?
Can you do it several times?

Also, a new observation, I can paste one or two words from Virtual SuperCard to Host BBEdit, but not to Host TextEdit!


Many thanks for your help.
My best regards,



Mar 14, 2023, 10:26:55 PM3/14/23
to via SuperCard Discussion
Reportedly others have fixed this by reinstalling Parallels Toolbox inside the VM.

Has anyone experiencing this glitch tried that yet?


André Tremblay

Mar 14, 2023, 11:04:06 PM3/14/23
to 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion
Hello Mark, 

Le 14-mars-2023 à 22:26:48, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion <> a écrit :

Reportedly others have fixed this by reinstalling Parallels Toolbox inside the VM.

Has anyone experiencing this glitch tried that yet?

I just did a reinstallation of the Parallels Toolbox and a restart of the virtual machine.

It seems I may copy more words, but for more than a dozen, the result is varying! 

If I try to copy a short script from the Script Editor window, I won't paste in BBEdit. 

And still not being able to paste to TextEdit!

Do you feel it's a case for Parallels technical support?




Mar 14, 2023, 11:09:36 PM3/14/23
to via SuperCard Discussion
Yeah I'm afraid so… the clipboard has been a long-standing issue in Parallels, and for some reason seems to regularly break.

FWIW they have a very impressive support operation (although there's usually an accent issue), and are typically quick to respond.

When you get their attention, please ask them if there's anything apps can do to force an update.


Ronald A. Lynch

Mar 15, 2023, 3:02:00 AM3/15/23
to André Tremblay, 'MARK LUCAS' via SuperCard Discussion
I copied one line of several words in plain text to host BBEdit.

I copied two words of plain text from host BBEdit to the end of existing
text in a SuperCard field.


On 03/14/2023 4:12 PM, André Tremblay wrote:
> Hello Ronald,
>> Le 11-mars-2023 à 02:47:52, Ronald <
>> <>> a écrit :
Message has been deleted


May 5, 2023, 10:35:25 PM5/5/23
to SuperCard Discussion
I am sorry for the delay to follow this issue, but meanwhile I've produce a standalone for the benefit of the technical support of Parallels. It can be downloaded with the link below:

Indeed, with this standalone to test 'copy and paste' between SuperCard clipboard in the MacOS virtual machine and the clipboard of the main running MacOS, this issue was replicated by the technician and I received this reply from Parallels: 

« Indeed, it appears that the case requires deeper investigation, so we escalated it to the Development Team. Once there is a response from them – whether it is a request for additional information, a workaround, or a permanent fix – we will let you know.»

And I was proposed with this temporary solution: 

« Furthermore, please perform the following as a workaround while our Development team investigates this issue: 
1. Copy the content of the SuperCard application and paste it into the TextEdit application on the Mojave virtual machine. 
2. Copy the content of the TextEdit application from your guest virtual machine and paste them into your preferred location on the host machine

This workaround add one extra step, but for the moment it allows the task to be done!

Meanwhile, my experience with SuperCard within Parallels has been good, but I should admit with a certain number of issues not related to SuperCard itself, but my lack of experience with Parallels and the inherent situation created by this more complex environment of having a virtual machine inside another MacOS. 

For instance with menus, virtual spaces and file paths, but I suppose, eventually, that acceptable solutions can be found for all of those. 

If I run Parallels, it is exclusively to allow SuperCard, in the form of a standalone, to be present and interact with other applications in the current MacOS. During the last months I've used almost exclusively the standalone and haven't done much scripting yet, which I hope to resume later on! 

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