The version of this project

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Mar 2, 2021, 4:25:03 PM3/2/21
to SuperCard Discussion
Maybe someone may help on this?

When I call "the version of this project" with my project on the forefront,  I am getting “SuperCard 2.6“ in return.

I am not sure to what this answer refers to? 

Is it possible to attribute a specific version to a project? 

Or it does only make sense to attribute a version for standalone build?

Before, in HyperCard, it was possible to edit the "Version" ressource, the value of which would show in the Get Info in the Finder. 



Mar 2, 2021, 7:00:11 PM3/2/21
When used in combination with a project descriptor, the read-only version property returns that file's internal format identifier. Once upon a time this apparently corresponded to the minimum SC version required to open it, but for reasons nobody ever explained to me that convention had already been abandoned by the time Allegiant shipped their initial release (i.e., several years before I came on board). So in practical terms since at least SC 3.0 it's been strictly vestigial and basically meaningless.

The Finder began preferring the values in the CFBundleLongVersionString and CFBundleShortVersionString plist keys over those in 'vers' resources ID 1 and 2 when OS X was introduced. IIRC those resources were officially deprecated starting in 10.4, and have been completely ignored since 10.7. The Finder has also ignored keys stored in the old 'plst' ID 0 resources since then, so you can't use them for making a version string which is visible in the Finder either.


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Mar 2, 2021, 10:46:53 PM3/2/21
to SuperCard Discussion
Thank a bunch Mark, your explanation clears up the situation effectively!

I should have started my post with the preamble; “A long, long time ago .... there was a fairyland ... that no longer exists ... ”

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