SuperCard Script Editor being greyed when not the front window

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André Tremblay

Jul 29, 2018, 5:06:47 PM7/29/18
to SuperCard Discussion

It might be a condition imposed by the system, but would it be possible not to have the Script Editor of SuperCard being greyed when not being in the front position, as with SuperEdit?

As I have several windows opened simultaneously in SuperEdit, SuperCard and other editors, this behaviour is not helpful for efficient reading, I would appreciate a workaround for this. 

Thank you for your help!

André Tremblay


Jul 30, 2018, 12:31:09 AM7/30/18
to SuperCard Discussion
Well it's not quite that it's imposed by the system, but rather just that it's how (at least early on in the development of OS X) Apple adamantly insisted things should be done. It seemed to me at the time they'd decided a priori that app-modal windows were an unworkable legacy design model, and had then set out to prove it (irrespective of their actual case-by-case utility) by deliberately subjecting them to an unrealistic set of constraints...

Anyway FWIW I couldn't agree with you more - I never liked this behavior, and it looks more dated every time I see it.

I ask unanimous consent that it be revised so this model remains an option (for those who feel it adds some benefit), but the default is changed to having only controls (but NOT text) in SuperCard windows auto-dim when they're in the background.

Are there any objections?


André Tremblay

Jul 30, 2018, 9:41:45 AM7/30/18
to SuperCard Discussion
Hello Mark, 
Anyway FWIW I couldn't agree with you more - I never liked this behavior, and it looks more dated every time I see it.

I understand that this might have been an issue during the implementation of Mac OS X, but nowaday no other program follow this guideline, only title bars are being greyed! 

And this only make sense when you are working with several monitors, to allow multiple windows of several programs to be lisible at one glance.
I ask unanimous consent that it be revised so this model remains an option (for those who feel it adds some benefit), but the default is changed to having only controls (but NOT text) in SuperCard windows auto-dim when they're in the background.

Are there any objections? 

I would even go one step further, not only to Script Editor and suggest that this change be extended to all SuperCard active windows!


André Tremblay

Mark Lucas

Jul 30, 2018, 12:11:50 PM7/30/18
I thought I just did that… ;-)
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