Makefile compilation options

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Roberto Trotta

Jul 26, 2007, 10:53:13 AM7/26/07
to SuperBayeS Users
In order to expand the portability of the code, we'd like to hear from
you what sorts of compiler options/flags or machine-specific tweaks
you use, so that users on a similar hardware can benefit from your

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roberto trotta

Aug 27, 2007, 7:40:02 PM8/27/07
to, SuperBayeS Users

Thanks for pointing out the issue with the passing of the sigma
variable (which strange enough did not appear on our machines).

For future reference and completeness, could you please tell us which
compilers are you using? Thanks!

On 8/27/07, <> wrote:
> We had to use the -cxxlib flag on the ifort compiler in order for it
> to link the c++ libraries (added to the FFLAGS line). I suppose you
> could also use the -lstdc++ flag with a -L$(PATH_TO_CPP_LIBS) added to
> the 'LIBS = ...' line. We also had to add the path to the cxa, cprts,
> irc, unwind libraries (we just added a -L$(PATH_TO_ALL_THOSE_LIBS) to
> the 'LIBS =' line). To ensure that feynhiggs compiled in 32 bit and
> not 64 bit, we added the -m32 flag to the CFLAGS in the feynhiggs'
> makefile.
> We also got a run-time segmentation fault. To solve this, in
> calclike.f90, we changed line 258 to
> function SmearedBound(y,x0, sigmain, tau,lower)result(lnprob)
> and line 277 to
> real(8) :: lnprob, x0, sigmain, tau, tstar, exparg, Zfunc2
> and right after added the lines
> real(8) sigma
> sigma = sigmain
> >

Aug 27, 2007, 7:45:55 PM8/27/07
to SuperBayeS Users
We used the intel ifort, icpc 9.1 compilers. We had to use the -

cxxlib flag on the ifort compiler in order for it to link the c++
libraries (added to the FFLAGS line). I suppose you
could also use the -lstdc++ flag with a -L$(PATH_TO_CPP_LIBS) added to
the 'LIBS = ...' line. We also had to add the path to the cxa, cprts,
irc, unwind libraries (we just added a -L$(PATH_TO_ALL_THOSE_LIBS) to
the 'LIBS =' line). To ensure that feynhiggs compiled in 32 bit and
not 64 bit, we added the -m32 flag to the CFLAGS in the feynhiggs'

We also got a run-time segmentation fault. To solve this, in

calclike.f90, in function 'GetLogLikeBsmumu' (around line 852) we

lnlike = SmearedBound(1d0*Bsmumu,1d0*xstar, 0d0, 1.0d0*tau,
lower= .false.)


lnlike = SmearedBound(1d0*Bsmumu,1d0*xstar, 1d0*sigma, 1.0d0*tau,
lower= .false.)

and added the line

sigma = 0.0

after the line 'xstar = 1.0'

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