Moving projects inside the sunpy organisation?

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David Stansby

Nov 17, 2021, 5:25:47 AM11/17/21

There are a number of packages that I maintain and currently live under my personal github account:

- sunpy-soar, for accessing solar orbiter data
- pfsspy, for PFSS extrapolations
- astrospice (coming soon), which will replace heliopy for generating astropy coordinates from SPICE kernels

In a couple of months I'm (sadly) leaving the world of solar physics research, which raises two issues:

1. Maintenance
I won't feel under any obligation to maintain these packages soon, so if anyone would like to be added as a maintainer and take over me please let me know (on a project-by-project basis). Some experience with git/github/developing a package within an open source community is probably required, but I'm happy to help get people set up if they are keen to help but want showing the ropes.

2. Preservation
I am currently the sole 'owner' of these packages and their associated accounts (PyPi, codecov etc.). This probably isn't a good idea in the long run. Is there scope within the SunPy project to move them over to the SunPy organisation, and have some sort of 'community' ownership of the packages and their various accounts? I imagine this would as a minimum require the packages becoming affiliated. As far as I know there is no process for this, so perhaps folks (myself included) currently involved in SunPy could cook one up in the near future?

It would be a shame to see these packages languish - I think they are useful tools and widely used.

All the best,

Trestan Simon

Aug 25, 2022, 10:51:53 PM8/25/22
to SunPy
Hello David,

I would be happy to help maintain pfsspy if you still need people. Please let me know.


David Stansby

Sep 1, 2022, 10:50:43 AM9/1/22
to SunPy
Hi Trestan,

Thanks a lot for getting back - it's forced me to have more of a think about the future of pfsspy, and I've decided that I'm going to continue being the sole maintainer going forward. I added a bit more explanation to the pfsspy docs on the reasons and motivations for this:

All the best,

p.s. I saw that you opened a PR - it looks like a great new feature, so thanks for that, and I'll try and get round to reviewing it in the next week :)
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