New Release of ndcube 1.3.2

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Danny Ryan

Apr 20, 2020, 3:33:41 PM4/20/20
Dear all,

The ndcube developers present the latest release of ndcube: 1.3.2.  This version is the culmination of three releases since the last publicized release (1.3.0 and 1.3.1 being the other two).

This release of ndcube 1.3.0 -- 1.3.2 contains 103 commits in 23 merged pull requests closing 19 issues from 6 people, 3 of whom are first time contributors to ndcube:

Daniel Ryan
David Stansby *
Nabil Freij
P. L. Lim *
Stuart Mumford
Laura Hayes *

where * indicates a first time contributor.  We also thank those who have contributed in other ways, e.g. raising issues and providing other feedback.

The full changelog is:

ndcube v1.3.2 (2020-04-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Generalize int type checking so it is independent of the bit-type of the OS. (#269)

ndcube v1.3.1 (2020-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix NDCollection.aligned_dimensions so it doesnt crash when components of collection are NDCubeSequences. (#264)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Simplify and speed up implementation of NDCubeSequence slicing. (#251)

ndcube v1.3.0 (2020-03-27)


  • Add new NDCollection class for linking and manipulating partially or non-aligned NDCubes or NDCubeSequences. (#238)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the files included and excluded from the tarball. (#212)
  • Fix crashing bug when an NDCube axis after the first is sliced with a numpy.int64. (#223)
  • Raises error if NDCube is sliced with an Ellipsis. (#224)
  • Changes behavior of NDCubeSequence slicing. Previously, a slice item of interval length 1 would cause an NDCube object to be returned. Now an NDCubeSequence made up of 1 NDCube is returned. This is consistent with how interval length 1 slice items slice arrays. (#241)

To update, run these commands:

Pip Users:

pip install -U ndcube

Conda users:

conda update ndcube

GitHub users:

git pull <local upstream name> 1.3.2

Please enjoy!
The ndcube developers
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